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Two pills.

It's as simple as that.

Two pills to fill the void that was left by you.

Two pills to help me smile.

Two pills to guide my heart and clear my head.

Though, two pills can never replace you. I miss you, and I always will.


Where did we go wrong?

When did I fail to be enough?

Was I too bold? Too prideful? Too much?

Or did you fall for someone else?

I still remember your words, "Roman, things aren't working..."

What wasn't working?

My thoughts just contuine to run, wondering where we went wrong, and why.

I've looked it over time and time again, but without you, everything is different.

Without you...I need two pills again.

Roman sighed, closing the small leather notebook and picking up the two pills besides it, antidepressants, he needed them before he and Logan got together, but being with Logan made everything feel better. Now Logan was gone and...

Two pills, then go face the day with a smile.

He swallowed the pills, sighing, fixing his hair once more. He put the pills in the locked drawer of his desk, putting his notebook on the small stack of other notebooks, leaving his room with a fake smile.

Andria ; Sander Sides ; LoginceWhere stories live. Discover now