8 - Idiot

221 15 4

Warning - Pills

- Accidental? Unintentional sucide attempt 

- Death

- throwing up

I don't know, I'm sorry if I worded the triggers wrong and someone gets upset or whatever

- Grey


Roman's alarm went off on his phone, he knew what it meant, and like a robot he went to his desk, unlocking and pulling out and uncapping and pouring the pills into his hand. 

But why should he only take two? If two take the sadness away for a little bit then what...what would the whole bottle do? He paused, before pouring the bottle into his hand, and he quickly poured the pills into his mouth, as if not even thinking. 

But then he thought, and he regretted it. He ran to the bathroom, falling to his knees and throwing up, after he was sure that he emptied his stomach he leaned against the wall, sobbing into his hands. "Idiot, idiot, idiot." He was a mess. A complete mess.

Andria ; Sander Sides ; LoginceWhere stories live. Discover now