3 - Just a Friend

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Remus leaned against the door, yawning as he rubbed his eyes. "What's up, nerdy wolverine?"

"I was wondering if you're busy." Logan looked down, regretting this idea a lot.

"Not now, why?" Logan was quiet before Remus smirked. "Aw, you're lonely aren't you?" Logan nodded softly, "well, I'm willing to hang out with you." Logan smiles.

"Thank you." This wasn't actually Logan's plan, but it would work. It had too. 

The next video was less then great.

Roman got knocked out in the beginning which Logan didn't like at all, but he could deal with it. 

Until the end of the video when Remus popped back in, ignoring Roman who was obviously expecting an apology in favor of turning to Logan, "sorry about the ninja star."

"It's fine, it didn't hurt too much." Remus nodded, patting Logan on the head and kissing his cheek.

Romans eyes lit up with rage, his fist clenching before relaxing. He wasn't dating Logan, it shouldn't bother him. 

But of course it did.

It was later that night, Roman was raiding the cabinet for anything sweet, he heard soft footsteps before he heard Logan's soft yawn. He turned slightly seeing Logan making hot chocolate. As the milk heated up Roman handed the chocolate curls and sprinkles from the cabinet to Logan, they silently walked around the too small kitchen, their bodies occasionally brushing past each other, it was out of habit that they didn't say anything, it was just like their late night fridge raids when they were still dating. "Thanks, Ro-Ro." Logan said softly. Roman's heart swelled, Logan hadn't called him that since they broke up.

"No problem, amor." Roman muttered just as softly. Expecting that Logan had already gone upstairs. But he hadn't. Logan shifted his weight from foot to foot. 

"Ro...my rooms really cold, could I stay in yours for a little bit?" Roman's heart almost exploded before he nodded.

"Of course, Lo."

And just for that night, as Logan laid his head on Roman's chest and sipped his hot chocolate, and as they watched a Disney movie, or even after when Logan had laid down (taking his shirt off cause...sleeping in shirts is gross obviously) and Roman was tracing the all too familiar freckles on Logan's back.

Everything was just like it used to be. Everything was how it should've been.

Andria ; Sander Sides ; LoginceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz