15 - Why can't you love me?

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"It shouldn't be this hard for you to fall in love, Roman!"

"Falling in love is easy, Logan, I do love you! I always have! Proving it...that's the hard part." Roman wasn't trying to fight, Logan was angry. Angry words met quiet, tired replies. Logan's eyes flickered with anger, red and puffy. He's been crying.

"Remus said I was nothing to you, that you don't care about me." He was quiter now, silence filled the room for a second.

"You believed him? I said we are nothing, as in we aren't dating." Logan hummed, going to Romans desk, sitting down in the chair and tracing over the drawers. 

"Have they been working?" Roman shook his head. "I can try to find a new prescription for you."

"Logan I don't need pills, I need you, I don't care if it's as friends or lovers or enemies I just need you in my life again." Roman walked over, standing by the chair Logan was sitting in. "You mean so much to me..." 

"You've said that so many times, yet you always seem to forget."

"I don't forget I just-"

"You run out of energy? Is spending time with me to draining for you, Ro?"

"Logan, please-"

"I don't deserve this, Roman. You don't deserve this. You're breaking both of us." Logan sniffled softly. 

"Then let me fix us." Roman held both of Logan's hands, moving closer to him. "You know I could do it." He nodded slowly, laying his head on the princes shoulder. The room filled with silence once more. This time, it stayed silent.

Andria ; Sander Sides ; LoginceWhere stories live. Discover now