6 - Brother

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Roman had a plan, go apologize to Logan for being mean, talk things over, and be so amazingly romantic that he falls in love with him again!!

But of course...Remus, holding Logan by the tie, kissing him so deeply and meaningfully, like he was trying to prove something.

And Logan, face flushed pink, hands gripping to the green sash, and eyes slowly fluttering close as he melted into the kiss. He pulled away, like a child caught doing something they shouldn't, when he heard Roman, face full of concern and desperately trying to explain. And Remus looked scared, looking at Roman with such a begging look, he really did love Logan,and he didn't want Roman to take that away again.

"Ro, I can explain! I didn't- it wasn't- I'm sorry." Logan was stammering, Logan was stammering, that's how Roman knew, it was that small piece, that small bit, Logan was confused. 

"Can we talk without him listening?" Romans eyes darted to his twin, his voice soft and neutral. He didn't want to hurt either of their feelings,but he loved Logan and he had to try to get him back...right?


Fair warning: angst is gonna be very heavy

Like sucide attempts, depression, all that kinda stuff, so-

- Grey

Andria ; Sander Sides ; LoginceWhere stories live. Discover now