12 - Thomas' pain

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"Thomas! You called?" Roman sunk into the room with his usual dramatic flair. 

"Yes! We've got a problem!" Thomas fidgeted with his sleeves anxiously.

"And what's that?" This did not seem like a creativity problem.

"I released DWIT a couple months ago, yesss?" 

"Yes??" Roman tilted his head before it hit. "Oh! Scripts I haven't even wrote a script I-"

"One job, Roman! One job!"

"I'm sorry, Thomas, I-" 

"Just get to work, you're gonna ruin my job." Thomas waved Roman away, but not before muttering, "I wish I had a better creativity." Roman sighed, crashing back onto the bed.he had completely forgotten. He didn't mean too. He felt awe full.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled to the emptiness of his room, before picking up a pen and getting to work.

Andria ; Sander Sides ; LoginceWhere stories live. Discover now