7 - Me without you

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Remus left, not that he wanted to, but he did. And then it was just Logan and Roman.

"I didn't want him to." Logan said softly. "I didn't tell him to or anything please don't be-"

"Logan, you're allowed to kiss people, we're not dating." 

"Not anymore." 

Roman finished the thought in his head. His brain was racing with thoughts, most of them not so good, 

"but I want us to be." Logan's voice was so soft and weak, that Roman had to look to make sure it was actually Logan speaking. "I miss you Roman, I really do." Logan took a step closer, hugging Roman and breathing in that familiar scent of vanilla. "Please don't leave me, I miss you." Roman felt tears brim his eyes holding Logan close.

"I..I can't talk about this right now, I'm sorry, Logan, we will talk about this later," Roman pulled away from Logan, and he was gone...gone...gone.

He was overwhelmed with guilt.

And guilt can do...some nasty things to a person.

Andria ; Sander Sides ; LoginceWhere stories live. Discover now