chapter 1

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I'm sorry but I forgot to tell that this book got some course words in here and also cutting and suicidical stuff so if u can't read that skip those parts or don't read this book.

Roni wakes up with a familiar pain on her wrist. She remembers what she did last night. Again.


With bruises on her cheek and arms, a blooded nose and lip, she walks slowly inside her house. "Thanks God I'm wearing a hoodie" she tought. As fast as she could she runs upstairs and goes to her room and closes her door then goes to her bathroom sits in the corner and cries as hard as she could. "Why me" she screams between cries. When she calms down she picks up her phone and sees that she got 5 texts.

Nessa🦋💕: Heyy Roni aren't u supposed to be at home already? Where are u?
3:36 pm

Nessa🦋💕: Oh and btw mom and dad are out of town for work again. This time for like a month so the house is for us only! For like an entire month!
3:37 pm

Nessa🦋💕: Roni if I'm not at home I'm at kian's. He asked if I wanted to go at his place for tonight and I said yeah so I'll be back tomorrow.
3:51 pm

Nessa🦋💕: Roni are u home now? I'm really worried please text me back. And don't tell me something bad happend. Please.

Roni is still crying but her sisters texts made her smile. With tears in her eyes she answers back with a positive vibe so her sister doesn't ask anything.

Roni🦉💜: hey sis I'm home don't worry haha I was just in the library and my phone was dead. And when did mom and dad go? I didn't know about it. And have fun at kian's but not too much fun😉. Say to him I said hi. Well c ya tomorrow sis💜
4:29 pm

"Ugghhh I'm lieing to my sister for like four entire years" she cried. "I'm such a bad sister" she said between cries.

She looks at the 5th text she got and it was from Jason. "Oh no" she tought. But still opened the text she got.

Jason: Awhhh u got hurt todayyyy? Are u saaadd nowwww? U gonna cutt nowwwww? How saaadd 😟😟. Lol😂😂😂ur so worthless and ugly. No one loves u and no one will ever love u y are u even alive? You're a piece of shit did u know that already? Oh wait u too stupid to know that. U fatt af bitch. Can't wait till monday lol.

She started crying harder and picked a blade from the closet in her bathroom. The blade was already under blood from the past times she cut herself. She sat in the bath and started cutting herself and cried as hard as she could.
Her arm had like 5 lines of cuts over her cuts of yesterday. That were made over the cuts of the day before. And the day before and so on till like six months ago, when she started cutting.

Her arm was under blood now and she took a shower. When she was done she dried herself up, took a bandage and put it around her arm. She put a hoodie and shorts and checked the time on her phone it was 5:45 pm. She went to her room and watched Netflix and skiped dinner cuz she was "not hungry". After a few hours of watching Netflix she drifted down asleep.

End off flashback.

She takes her phone from her bedside table and sees that it's still 7:28 am and that she got a text from nessa.


2 unread messages

Nessa🦋💕: Thanks God ur save roni I got really worried. And I didn't know either about mom and dad, they went away yesterday and just send me a text message which said that they had to hurry and stuff and couldn't tell us in person and they were sorry about it and that we had to take care of each other and I had to tell u too.
6:13 pm

Nessa🦋💕: Eww ya nasty😂 see ya tomorrow. I'll be back at like 2 so see ya then💕
6:14 pm

Roni gets up and goes downstairs and sees tiger lying by the front door waiting for someone to get in. "Awwwhhh poor tiger did you sleep the entire night here?" Tiger sees roni and runs as fast as he could to roni, jumps into her arms as roni caches him and he licks her entire face and roni chuckles.

She gives him food and water and makes a bowl of cereal for herself. After she is done eating she goes back upstairs in her room to cover her wounds with makeup so no one would notice.
She goes back downstairs, sits on the couch with Tiger on her lap and scrolls thru instagram and waits till nessa is back.

865 words.
So this is the first chapter of my first story ever! Let me know in the comments if you liked it. I hope you did haha. Well I'll  be back with the next chapter as soon as possible! See ya then🙃.

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