chapter 6

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Hey guys I'm back with another chapter! And oof Aaron is looking soo good in this pic😍 no wonder why roni chose him😏. Jk haha. Anyways hope you guys gonna like this chapter. Have fun reading❤

Aaron's pov
When roni said that she was going to the toilet I exactly knew that she was going to math class just like Jason said. I kept an eye on her with the I'm not gonna let this happen to her look. And nessa seemed to notice it. "Why are you looking like that to roni." She asked. "Oh it's nothing in just looking at her." I lied. "Oh okay. But if something is up with roni please tell me. I don't want anything happen to her." She said. "Okay." I said crossing my fingers. When she looked away Kian and Alex looked at me with the what is happening look. Then I gave them the lets go nod. "I'm going outside real quick." I said. "Yeah me too." Alex said. "I'm gonna get some fresh air too, see ya later babe." Kian said to nessa and kissed her for head. Not gonna lie they are a cute couple. Hopefully me and roni gonna be like that one day. Kian treats nessa way better than Jason did, she is also way happier with him. I'm so happy for nessa and Kian. "Earth to aaaaarroooon." I heard Alex say. "Ohh yea hey I'm back." I said. "Why did you want us to come with you? Is there something happening?" Alex asked.
"Just see what's gonna happen." I responded. "Ughh fineee." Alex whined. "Does it have to do something about roni?" Kian asked. "Yes." I said. "Just spill the tea bro." He said. I tought for a moment while we were walking. "Ok fine." I just told them what happend this morning. Nothing else. "So now were going to math class to see what's gonna happen and I called u guys to be with me IF things go wrong and it all ends up into a fight or something. I don't want to be tied up again and I trust you guys." I finished. "Doed nessa know?"
"No roni doesnt want her to know these things." I replied. "Why?" Alex asked. "I don't know. I said. "What the fuck does that guy wants from her?" Kian asks kinda mad. "I don't know that either bro but look were here." I said. The door was a little bit open so we could hear them talking and we looked into the class thru the window (I wrote mirror the first time smh😐). He was talking and roni was just looking at him with fear. He wanted her to be at his house tonight. I swear I'm not gonna let that happen again. "BECAUSE I FUCKING WANT TO OKAY. IF YOU DON'T FUCKING LISTEN TO ME YOU KNOW THAT THIS IS GOING TO BE THE DEATH OF YOU AND THAT DICKHEAD". He screamed at her and raised his hand to slap her. I couldn't take it anymore and walked inside the class followed by Alex and Kian. I grabbed Jason's arm and turned him around so he could face me. Then I smashed him with my fist in his face. I also saw Kian and Alex fighting with Kevin and Finn. I heared Roni scream to let Jason go and she also screamed at Kian and Alex but we all ignored her. We all stopped when she pulled me away.
"STOP IT NOW!" She screamed in anger. Everyone of us boys had wounds all over our faces.
"SO YOU RATHER WANT HIM TO FUCK YOU?" I also screamed being mad. "You know it's for nessa." She said getting scared cuz I screamed at her. "If you tell ANYONE about today, you're dead next time." I said to Jason and stared at him for a second. He was scared of me this time cuz Alex and Kian were with me. I gave this dead look to Kevin and Finn too and as always they were scared too. Even if I'm alone they're scared but trying to look cool. But Jason at the other hand, he is sadly not like Kevin and Finn.
I grabbed roni's arm and left the class and Kian and Alex followed me.

Roni's pov
"Aaron." I said being a little afraid. He was still holding my arm and brought me to an other class and Alex and Kian were still following us. We went into this class and Aaron let me go. "What the fuck did he want from you?" He asked angrily. I got more scared. He is never like this. "Aaron" I said and then looked over to Kian and Alex. "Guys can you leave us alone for a sec?" He asked still being mad. "Can I tell nessa?" Kian asked. "No." Me and Aaron said at the same time. "If they ask me and roni didn't come, just say were outside. You know I trust you guys, don't disappoint me." Aaron said strictly. "Bro what do we do with the wounds on our faces they are going to notice." Alex asked . "Wait I have something to cover it." I said and gave them foundation. "How do you use this?" Alex said. "I know how to, I'll teach you." Kian said. "How do you know?" Me, Alex and Aaron asked at the same time. "Nessa." Kian said with a duhh accent. Ohh yeah true anyways let's go let them have some space. Remember, I trust you. Aaron said before they nodded and went away. Aaron is kind of the leader of their friendshipgroup. It looks like he is doing bossy but he is just being strict cuz he is mad. The guys left and Aaron looked at me. "Ok Roni tell me what he wanted." He said strictly looking into my eyes.
I got scared again and he noticed. "Roni I'm so sorry for scaring you, I didn't mean it I was just mad and you know I can't control myself. I'm so so so sorry. I really didn't mean to" I was just looking him in the eyes and thinking if I should just kiss him or not. No roni he doesn't like you. He is probably gonna think you're weird. Just cut him off by talking like friends... He sees you as a friend...

1083 words
Hope you guys liked this chapter🙃. I'm trying to spend more time writing than being lazy. So that's a good thing. Isn't it? Buuut I still have school and lots of homework so that's fucked up. Anyways thank you guys for over 200 reads it doesn't seem alot but it means alot to me so thank you so much I love every one of you❤❤.

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