chapter 5

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Hey guys I'm sorry I didn't post for a long time. I honestly don't have any excuse, I'm just a lazy person lol. But besides being lazy I also have school so that sucks. Anyways have fun reading😊

When they arrived at school Aaron was waiting for Roni. The second he saw their car pull over he went to there. He and Roni had the first period together. And Nessa had the first period with kian so she and roni didn't have the first period together. Just when they stepped out of the car, Kian's car pulled over at the empty parking place beside the twins car. When he came out of his car, he said hi to all three of them and gave nessa a kiss on her cheek. They went inside and all of their friends were there too. They talked for a while until the bell rang and every one went to their class.

Roni's pov.
Me and Aaron went to class and sat next to each other. He told me jokes and I laughed at them cuz they were really funny. He always makes me happy and makes me forget about Jason. Speaking, in this case, thinking about the devil... I felt my phone buzzing and it was a text message from Jason. By the time I was checking my phone the teacher came into the class and Aaron was focused on the lesson. I looked at Aaron to make sure he looked the other way then I opened the text i got from Jason.

Jason: lunch break math class. If u aren't there... I'm coming for you.

Ughh I never get even one second to be happy. I started shaking and felt dizzy. Thanks god I was in the back of the class and no one noticed what was happening. Well some someone did. I felt strong arms around me and I immediately felt safe. Aaron wishperd that every thing was gonna be okay and stuff like that. And I'm not gonna lie, it is really calming. Still no one realized what had happened. I pulled out of is hug and he asked what happend and why I got a panic attack. I said that there was nothing. He just nodded but I'm sure he didn't believe me but didn't want to ask much cuz he knew that it had something to do with Jason. I tried to forget about Jason but I just couldn't. I was so nervous what he wanted from me and why he wanted me to be there.

Aaron's pov.
I was trying to make roni forget for a moment what she is going through and I can tell ya, I did a pretty good job. She was finally laughing today and god I will do anything to see her smile. She is so beutiful, gorgeous, pretty. I really like her. Since the first time I met her. Hopefully one day I can call her mine, but for now I can't. I just don't think it'll be the right time for her. She is dealing with so much right now. So but I am planning it tho and I'm sure one day I can call her mine. But the thing is... I don't think she has feelings for me. Suddenly I heard uneven breathing I looked over at roni and I saw her shaking and heavily breathing. I gave her a hug and told her to calm down and that everything is gonna be okay. Then I saw her phone. It was a message from Jason and it said that he wanted her to go to math class while it was lunch break. I didn't bring the object up.

Skip till lunch break.

Roni's pov.
The bell rang, the class was over, it is lunch break and I am hella nervous. I had this class with nessa so we went to our lunch table and all our friends were all ready there including Aaron. I sat between Aaron and nessa and beside nessa sat Kian and beside Aaron sat Alex and so on. After five minutes I said that I was going to the toilet but instead I went to math class. Like where Jason expected me to be. I wonder what he wants this time but I also don't want to know. When I came there Jason, Kevin and Finn were already there. "What the fuck took you so long? I was at the point to come to you!" He basicly screamed. He had a deadly look in his eyes. Ughh why did nessa even date this guy. "Are you gonna answer my question or just gonna stare like a dumb ass bitch forever?" He said walking towards me. Uhh.. yeah.. ehmm... well n-no one really belived me when I t-told them that I was going to the l-library soww.. so I had to snuck out." I stuttered and lied and he just nodded. Thanks god he belived me. He grabbed my hair and pulled me closer to him. Still sort of pulling my hair witch hurted. I almost screamed, good thing I did not or else he would slap me. "Your probably asking why I wanted you to be here don't you?" He started I just looked at him with fear. "6pm at my house I need you then." He said. "For what?" I asked with a shaky voice. "That..." He said with a smirk. "Why" I asked. "BECAUSE I FUCKING WANT TO OKAY. IF YOU DON'T FUCKING LISTEN TO ME YOU KNOW THAT THIS IS GOING TO BE THE DEATH OF YOU AND THAT DICKHEAD (Aaron)." He said. He let off my hair and raised his hand to slap me, I closed my eyes and waited for the slap but it never came. When I opened my eyes I saw him, Kevin and Finn fighting with Aaron, Alex and Kian...

986 words.
I'm so sorry I didn't post for a long time. Like I said before, I have school and I'm really lazy. So I'm not gonna be that active anymore but I am going to post. Just not as soon as is did with my last few chapters. I'm sorry for that tho. Anyways hope you liked this chapter. If you did pls rate haha. Jk I'm just writing for fun. And I'm writing a lot rn. Ok. I'll stop haha. Byee❤❤

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