chapter 4

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Hey guys I'm back with another chapter! Hope you guys gonna like it🙃.

It was getting dark so roni and nessa decided to go home. While going home the put the radio on and both were singing with the song. They were also joking and laughing. When they arrived home they both sat on the couch and watched Netflix. Roni's phone buzzed and she opened the message she got.

Aaron🙃: Hey Roni didn't hear from you how are you now? Did something happend? I hope not. Wait did you cut?

(He knows what roni is going thru)

Roni💜: Hey Aaron I'm fine and no nothing happend. I hanged out with nessa. We went to the cliff by the beach to watch the view over LA.

Aaron🙃: Did u tell her bout what ur going thru?

Roni💜: NO! And she doesn't have to know!

Aaron🙃: But roni she is your sister and she will find out one day.

Roni💜: Well see. But me and nessa are watching Netflix now so I'm gonna text u later.

Aaron🙃: Okay then be careful and please don't do anything stupid. Bye.

Roni💜: I will bye.

After a few moments both sisters fell asleep on the couch with roni's head on nessa's shoulder and nessa's head on roni's head.

(I'm gonna skip till monday cuz nothing happend on sunday so yeahh)

Beep beep beep.
Nessa's alarm gets out of bed and walks to roni's room. "Roni wake up. We have school."
"Ugghhhhhhhhh I don't wanna go to school. Wanna stay home and sleep."

"Roni everyone hates school and me too but we have to go." Nessa says softly. Roni gives up and goes out of bed. When they both done with their morning routine, they go down stairs. Nessa was baking eggs and asked roni if she wanted some, she said no thanks and grabbed a pack cereal and milk. She put it both in a bowl, grabbed a spoon sat down by the table and ate what she just made for herself.

"Aren't u packing your school lunch?" Nessa asks. "No I'm gonna buy from school." She lied. "Okayyy." Nessa says unbelievable. They were talking for a bit when roni's phone buzzed on the table and it was from Jason. Her hart beated faster as she opened the text message she got.

Jason: Can't wait for today😉

Roni got scared and nessa saw her. "Is there something? Cuz you seem really scared. N-no it's nothing she forced a smile on her face and pretended nothing was happening. She stood up and cleaned up before nessa could ask something else.
When nessa finished eating she cleans up the table. "Ready to go roni?" She asks. "Yeah." Roni said with a weak smile. She gave nessa the car keys and went to the passenger seat.
Nessa got into the car too and stared to drive.

"Roni." She says after a while. "Yes?" she answers. "If there is something bothering you please tell me. If it makes me mad or sad, I just want to be there for you and and I want you to know that I love you way more than you think I do and that I care about you more than I care about myself. You are my anything veronica, you mean the world to me and I don't want that anything bad happends to you. You don't deserve that and I know that you are hiding something from me for like more than 2 years. I just don't want you to get hurt. I'll let you take your time and I won't ask you a lot. But promise me that you will tell me the truth soon.

Roni started to get tears. "Did you really have to to tel this to me nowww? On the freaking way to school?" She screamed and chuckled and nessa laughed. When they were done there was a deep silence in the car.

She said she cares more about me than herself, does she really mean it?
I mean we are sisters. But I'm sure no one cares about me. I mean look at mom and dad. They are gone for like a really long time and when they are in town we almost never talk to each other. Besides that I heard nessa talking to them one time that I had been hiding things and stuff like that an they said that I'm fine and it's just a teenage thing. Ughh. But if I was nessa a nessa was me overhearing us the I'm sure the would run to her and help her and stuff. And nessa is always with her boyfriend. I get thousands of panic attacks and no one is there to help me.
But I do have a feeling that nessa does care about me. Ugh my life is such a mess. I've been hiding this shit for too long tho. I mean I was only 12 when it started and now I'm freaking 16. No sweet sixteen for me I see. Wait. How long does nessa think I've been hiding something for her? You know what I'll ask her.

"Ehmm nessa?" Roni says "Yeah?" Nessa answers. "How long you said I've been hiding something?" Roni asked. "For about two years. Why?"
"Ohh nothing just asking." And nessa nods.

Oh my god I'm such a bad sister. I'm hiding something really important for 4 years and she thinks that this is happening for only 2 years!?
This is really bad. Should I tell her this?
Roni tought.

Roni gets a random flashback about what Jason said to her.


"I swear if anyone else knows about this and especially Nessa, other than this dickhead." He points to Aaron who is tied up to a chair. "I'll kill you, him (aaron) and Vanessa."
"But Jason if you still love Vanessa then why would you kill her? And why Aaron?" Roni said crying. "I'll travel with you guys so I still see her. And he.. He because he is a dickhead." He said with a smirk.
"Now stop asking questions, you are talking too much girl." He held the knife close to her neck. It even touches her neck. With tears and fear is she looking at him.

End of flashback.

Yeahh there is no way I'm gonna tell her. Besides that i don't want her to get hurt about me. I think she do care about me.

"So roni." Nessa begins. "What do you think about the promise?"
"What do you mean? What promise?" Roni asks. "I won't ask anything as long as you tell me what you are going through anytime soon." She says. Roni sighs. Ehum.. I don't know nessa. I mean it is a really messed up thing and I don't want to tell you yet. Maybe I am gonna tell you one day but for now I just need some time." Roni said. "Is it that big secret?" Nessa asks. "Yeah sadly." She said. "So you wanna say?" Nessa asks again. "I do but I really can't." Roni says. "Okay then. But if there is something you want to talk about, I'm here for ya okay?

1207 words.
I hope you guys liked this chapter. I know this one was boring A F but I try to make it less boring. Aaaand  school begins in two days😭😭. So it takes me more time to write. Btw do you guys like the chapters long or short? Let me know. Well bye guys🙃🙃

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