chapter 8

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(After the fight in lunch break)

Kian's pov
Me and Alex went to the restroom to cover up our wounds. First we washed our face and dried up the blood. I had blood on my lip and my eye was a little bit blue. Alex had a bloody nose and had blood on his left cheek and his right cheek was a little bit red. After our faces dried up, I put some foundation on my face and covered up my wounds. Then I did the same thing to Alex. We kept laughing cuz it felt weird. After we were done I put the foundation in my backpack. I sighed and Leaned to the wall.
"Something up bro?" Alex asked. "Nah nothing man" I answered.
"Bro if it was nothing you wouldn't sigh like this. We are friends, even best friends since elementary school I for sure know that something is up. Now tell me"

"Ugh okay then. The other day nessa came to my place and told me how she felt about roni. That she was hiding something for her. She really wants to know why roni is acting like this and stuff ya know. She legit cried in my arms and told me that she had enough to see her sister like this. And now I know what is happening to roni a little bit I really want to tell nessa." I said. "But?" Alex said so I could continue. I sighed deep. "But I also don't want to lose Aaron and roni's trust. I don't know what to do right now. Should I just tell nessa?" I said. Alex nodded. "I understand but Aaron is not the kind of guy that would be mad if you sort of save roni. He accualy wants that nessa knows about this. But he wants that roni tells nessa herself."
"Wait you knew about it?" I asked and Alex just nodded. "Me and Aaron can't hold secrets from each other. It's always been like that and I told you that. Buuut back to the topic, I think you should talk to Aaron and also maybe Roni. Then we'll see what's going to happen. I know it's hard to like go trough this but keep yourself strong bro." He said. "And if nessa finds out I knew it and didn't tell her? She is going to be mad bro." I said being a little worried. "Kian, everything happens for a reason. Ok? We'll gonna see what the future brings us. It's life and life decides what is going to happen. We make choices and life decides. But for now everything is gonna be alright."
"You think so?" I asked.
"I know so." He answered.
"Thanks bro." I said with a smile.
"You're welcome bro." He said and we gave each other a bro hug and went to our friends at the lunch table. When school was over I suggested if Aaron could come to my place to hang out and he said that it was ok. So after school we took my car since Alex went home with theirs.

At my place we made fun of each other and played games.
After a while I went downstairs to get some Doritos and energy. While I was downstairs I was thinking about what Alex said. That I should talk to Aaron. Is this the right moment? Ughh this is so stressfull. You know what? I'm going to do it. I'm gonna talk to him and well see what is going to happen. Cuz everything happens for a reason right? I sigh deeply, grab the Doritos and the energy and went back to my room were Aaron was daydreaming.

"Aaron." I called his name after he didn't notice I was there for like 5 minutes. "Hellooo someone here." Again he didn't pay attention. "AARON FUCKING BURRIS!!" I basicly yelled after he still didn't respond. He got scared so badly and that was the funniest thing on earth. A second after that he got scared I was already on de ground dieing cuz of laughter. "What the fuck bro ya scared the shit outta me!" He screamed.
"Hahaha sorry bro" I  said between laughs. But soon after a voice in my head told me to tell him what is bothering me. Ughh I'm so nervous. Ok I'm just gonna start the subject. I tought. But just before I was bout to start, he asked me if I was okay.

"Yeah it's just..." I started. "Uhm.. It's ehh..." I sort of stuttered.  Gosh I'm so nervous. "Ok so there is something that bothers me."
"Well what is it?" He asked. I told him what bothered me just like I did by Alex.
"I understand that it bothers you. But not going to lie but I hate it too, ya know lying." He said after I finished talking. "But Aaron, I'm lying to my girlfriend. What if I lose her when she finds out? I don't want to lose her!" I said worried. "Ok you know what. I'm going to talk to Roni and try to convince her okay? I hope it's going to work this time tho cuz I tried other times but I failed." He finally said. "Thanks bro." I said smiling. "You're welcome bro. Should we play one more game?" He asked.
"Yeah sure." I replied.

892 words.
Hey guys I'm back with an other chapter! Sorry that it's a short one tho. I don't know if you guys realized but I post every week. But this week I couldn't post bc I had family who were sleeping over at ours so yeah I didn't have too much time to write. Buuut I have holidays this week so I hope I can write more. Btw... I HAVE OVER 500 READS! It's not alot but it is alot to me. Thank you so much for that💜. And this book is 3 BY #RONRON. Dudeee howw? I can't describe my feelings rn. Thank you guys so much💜💜💜

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