chapter 7

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Aaron's pov
"Aaron." Roni said my name but I kept apologising. "Aaron." I still didn't stop talking. "AARON SHUT YOUR MOUTH FOR A SECOND!" I heard roni say. Jeez she can scream loud. I kinda freaked out and roni laughed at me. Not gonna lie I'd rather wanted her to kiss me to make me stop talking. You know just like in movies and stuff. Sadly she doesn't see me that way of course. "Aaron I told you it is okay. I just freaked out a little that's it." She continued. "Ugh okay then. But can you please tell me what Jason wanted from you? I mean I know that he wanted you tonight at his house. But do he want you like your... euh your body or something else?" I legit struggled asking her this question. Roni looked down and started to tear up. I hugged her and she cried harder on my shoulder. "He, he wanted me, my body. Again." She said between cries. I gave her a tighter hug and after a few seconds I let her go. I looked at her and she was still looking down. "Don't look at me like that I'm ugly when I cry."
"No roni, honestly I think you're pretty cute. And especially when you cry. I swear." She blushed hard and smiled a little and gosh I love that smile. She looked up at me and I got lost in her eyes. I slowly leaned in without realizing what I was doing...

Roni's pov
He leans in to kiss me oh goshh what do I do what do I do WHAT DO I DOOOO!? I start to freak out but I didn't show any emotion of me freaking out. I never kissed anyone before. What if I'm a bad kisser? I freaked out more but I just decided to go with the flow. I slowly leaned in and before we even kissed I already felt butterflys in my stomach. But just before our lips touched my phone rang. I jumped backwards cuz I got scared and so did Aaron. We both started to blush very hard and awkwardly laughed. "Eh... aren't you gonna pick up your phone?" He said scratching his neck. "Oh yeah I eh gonna do that." I picked up my phone and looked at who was calling me. "Ughh it is nessa." I said annoyed and Aaron laughed shaking is head. Did she had to call at this point? "Well I'm waiting outside then." Aaron said. "No you can stay if you want to."
"Ok then."

I picked up my phone and nessa kind of started screaming.
"Nessa chill why are you screaming?" I asked annoyed. And sat on a table of the classroom.
"Roni you are gone for like 15 minutes where are you?"
"I'm just outside with Aaron what's wrong?"
"Is Kian there?"
"No he and Alex went inside."
"Oh yeah I see them coming over."
"But why did you call me?"
"I just wanted to know what took you so long in the restroom but you said you're outside so yeah it's all good I guess. Anyway did you bought food to eat? You said you would do that."
"Yeah I-."
"Nope she didn't. And now you said that, we are going to buy food and then we're coming to you guys and she is gonna eat all of it." Aaron said cutting me off.
"Thanks Aaron for taking care of Roni and telling me that."
"Always, okay see ya later."
"See ya."
"Bye." I mumbled and looked annoyed at Aaron.

Aaron's pov
I knew roni wouldn't like it but I didn't want to go thru this again. I don't want to feel the regret of letting someone go just like a couple years ago. I could do something but I didn't. I could stop he but I didn't. Alex, the only one who know about this, says that it's not my fault but I think it is. I'm not gonna let this happen to roni. I'm not gonna let her mind take over her life. Just like Rose. (You'll find out later what happend and who Rose is). Roni looked at me annoyed. "Did you also stopped eating?" I asked. I didn't know she did this too. Why in the world is she doing this things to herself? Why is she harming herself? "Yeah I stopped eating. Cuz I'm fat." She said the last part like she could read my mind. "Roni. You aren't fat. Not even close to fat. I swear. I don't know who on earth told you this but you- wait a minute. It was Jason wasn't it?" I said sort of cutting myself off. She looked down and nodded. I sat on my knees to look at her in the eyes, but she avoided to make eye contact. "Roni you aren't fat nor ugly or worthless or whatever that dickhead says. You are beautiful. I swear. You're the most beautiful, cute, funny, amazing person I've ever met in my life." I said looking at her. "Aaron why are you lying? Why don't you just tell me the truth? I am ugly Aaron. I'm ugly, worthless, fat and not funny like at all." She said crying. "Roni you know I hate lying. And especially to you." I stood up and huged her. "Let's go to the canteen." I said. We bought our school lunch and I bought something for me and Alex too cuz we didn'thave lunch and I had a feeling that Alex forgot his lunch and wallet at home. It is not his first time tho. (Alex is me🙃). "Ay bro can you buy some food I forgot again." Alex asked me when me and Roni came to the table. "I know you too well bro." Then I gave him his lunch that I just bought. "Thanks bro." Alex said already enjoying his food. "No problem." I said smiling. Roni couldn't eat all of her food but she ate most of it wich I'm proud of. And nessa ate the left over of roni's food. After school I went to kian's house just to hang out for a bit. We were playing a game on his PS4 and after a good hour Kian won the game.

"Ugh why are you so good at this game?" I asked. "It is in my blood." Kian sang cuz he knew that it was my favorite song. "You dick." I said and Kian laughed. "I'm gonna get some Doritos and energy I'll be back." Kian said. "I'll wait" I sang and Kian laughed. When he walked out of the room, I though about the song again. "I'll wait..." 
It makes me think of Roni. I remembers what we almost did today. Ughh only if nessa didn't call. Wait does this means she likes me? Does this mean I can ask her...? I sighed deeply.
No. I don't think it will be a good idea. You know what? I'm just gonna give signs. Should I? Ughh I don't know. "Aaron." I heard someone say. "Hellooo someone here." Again I didn't pay attention. "AARON FUCKING BURRIS!!" I got scared and looked up seeing it was kian laughing me out cuz i got scared. "What the fuck bro ya scared the shit outta me!"
"Hahaha sorry bro" Kian said. But is face became serious, he was thinking about something.
"Kian are you okay bro?"
"Yeah it's just..." he began.

1253 words.
Hey guys hope you liked this chapter. Sorry for my grammar mistakes (If I have em) just let me know what I wrote wrong. If u want to. Anyways love ya all bye💜

Will it last long? Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora