chapter 11

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Also sorry for despairing but I'm back.😅

Roni's pov
I was just walking down the street on my way home, when something hit the back of my head and everything went black all of the sudden.

I woke up hearing voices from behind the door and then the lock of the door. The door opened and Jason showed up. He walked up to me and pulled my hear. "I told you to be at my place that night, where were you?"
I just looked at him. I was so scared and didn't know what to answer.
"WHERE WERE YOU!?" He shouted.
"I-I was a-at home." I told him scared. By now tears were streaming down my face.
"What were you doing at home?"
"I was with nessa, I-I forgot about what you told me." I told him truthfully
"Well do you remember it now?"
"Y-yes I do."
"Then lets do the thing." He let go of my hear.
"And that is?"
"Sure you wanna know?" *puts his shirt off*
"Ohh no you're not gonna do that."
"Yes I am." He said with an evil smirk

He untied me and slapped and punched me. He pushed me to the wall and roughly ripped my clothes and put off his.
He came closer to me as I screamed not to do it. But he kept ignoring me. I begged him to stop. But he didn't.
I went on like that, me screaming to stop while he was on top of me, doing his job.

I woke up and breathed heavily after someone calling my name to wake up.
Oh my godness it was a dream. I tried to process everything. It felt so realistic.
I calmed down and nessa brought water for me.

"What happened?" She asked.
"It was just a nightmare"
"Do you want to talk about it."
"Not really."

I lied. Again.
I do want to talk about it but it's hard. And especially telling it to nessa. I just don't want her to feel bad for me.
After a while we decided to go to our own rooms so we said good night to each other and walked into our rooms.
I laid down on my bed and tried to sleep but I couldn't. I kept getting flashbacks of that dream.

Fuck. I didn't go to Jason. And I just realized that. What if he does the same thing that he did in my dream. I kept overthinking and just couldn't sleep.

I couldn't handle it anymore and went to the bathroom. I looked at the mirror and saw what kind of mess I am and always been. I couldn't take it anymore and in the next few seconds I was cutting myself, as always, under the streaming water. A little while later my arms are under blood and the blade was too. I heard the door of my room go open ad a few moments later closed again. That was nessa for sure.

I'm just done from taking a shower and am putting on my pyjamas. After that I went to bed and tried to get some sleep but just couldn't fall asleep again. I was still thinking bout the dream. It felt so realistic. Tears were streaming down my face again. After a while I went to nessa's room to see if she was awake.

Nessa was on her phone when I walked into her room. She looked up to me and I was trying so hard to keep my tears back. She got out of her bed and ran up to me followed by a tight hug. Something I needed the most, no questions, no cheering up kind off nonsense, just a tight hug from my most favourite person ever. At this point I couldn't handle the tears anymore and they all were streaming down my face by now. We talked for a bit and then I asked her if I could sleep with her. And she said that I could. It made me think of our old times. Ever since we were kids we always slept with each other if one or both of us couldn't sleep alone. We put the blankets over us and went to sleep. I was slowly drifting off to sleep, finally.

708 words.
Sorry guys for being inactive, I'm so lazy😅. Anyways hope you guys liked this short chapter(sorry for that too). How are y'all with corona and the quarantine life? Believe it or not I wanna go to school. Stay safe guys.❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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