chapter 2

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Here is another chapter! And OWW MYY GODDD  THESE GIRLS ARE PRETTY. Ik it's a old photo of em but idc haha.

Nessa's side of the story.

Nessa is talking to Nezza and Franny for a little bit after she is done from school.

Left: Nezza 16 years oldBest friends with the twins and Franny

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Left: Nezza
16 years old
Best friends with the twins and Franny

Right: Franny
17 years old
Best friends with the twins and Nezza

Nessa feels 2 strong arms around her, she turns around and sees that kian is holding her. She smiles and he kisses her cheek. "Aawwwhhhh relationship goals". She hears Franny and Nezza say at the same time. Nessa laughs and shakes her head and hugs Kian. They all talking for a little bit and then they all going home.

Kian: "Till when does roni have school?" Kian asks Nessa.
Nessa: "1 and a half hour and then she is done. Why?"
Kian: "Should I take you home?" Kian asks.
Nessa: "No thanks I'm taking my car" Kian: "Doesn't roni have the car keys and needs the car?"
Nessa: "You're right take me home."

Kians laughs and shakes his head. He brings Nessa home. When they are there she kisses him and he kisses back. They kiss for like 15 seconds and then pull away. 'I'll see ya later babe.' Nessa says. 'See ya later'. Kian says and watches her go inside. Then he drives home.

When nessa is home Tiger jumps into her arms. Nessa gigels and pets him. She takes Tiger to the park and when they are back home she realizes that her parents van isn't there. She walks inside and yells "Mom, dad. Are you guys gone again?" No one answers back.(She didn't realize before that no one was at home). Then her phone rings on the table, she got a message from her mom so she picks up her phone and reads the text message she got.

Mommy🌹💕: Hey sweetie your dad and I are out of town again and I'm really sorry I couldn't tell you guys in person. This time we will be back in like a month so it is not that much as the last time's. I am really sorry I couldn't tell you and your sister earlier but we got the call when you were sleeping and this morning you guys were already gone to school. Please take care of each other and Tiger. And if there something happend call us. Love you❤❤.

Nessa sighs after she reads the message. She gives Tiger food and makes pancakes for herself. She eats her pancakes on the couch while she also watches Netflix on tv. After 40 minutes she realizes roni should be home but didn't come. She texts roni to ask where she was and that their parents are gone again. She is probably hanging out with Aaron she tought. Although she did have a bad feeling that something is up with her. She ignored her thoughts and watched Netflix. A few minutes later she receives text messages from Kian.

Bae😻💝: Hey
Bae😻💝: I'm home alone and bored🙁
Bae😻💝: Can we FaceTime for a little bit?

Nessa smiles and answers back.

Babe💕❤: yeah sure I'm home alone and bored too😞

They started talking for a while then Kian asks Nessa
Kian: "Do you mind if you come to my place today since were both alone?"
Nessa: "No I wanna come but I don't have a car. Wait what are you doing babe? Are you in your car? What are you gonna do?"
Kian: "I'm gonna pick you up :)"
Nessa: "No you better don't babe it's okay you don't have to come."
Kian: "please babe? Only tonight and I'll bring you tomorrow back."
Nessa: "ughh okay". Knowing that she'll never win this argument. "Well then I'm gonna hang up cuz it's dangerous to drive when you're on your phone." She said.
Kian: "Okay babe, see ya in a few minutes then. Bye."
Nessa: "Bye be safe."

Nessa texts roni that she is gonna be at Kians and then goes into her room and changes herself into comfy clothes.

Nessa texts roni that she is gonna be at Kians and then goes into her room and changes herself into comfy clothes

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When she is done she hears the door ring. She picks her phone and goes downstairs. She opens the door and Kian is in front of her. "You are so cute in this outfit" Kian says and nessa smiles. They kiss each other and then hug each other.

Nessa: "Wait a minute I have to give Tiger food. Come in."

Kian nods and walks in. He walks to the couch, sits on it, picks his phone and scrolls thru Instagram.
When nessa is done they both walk outside.

Kian: "Who first touches the car wins." And runs to his car.
Nessa: "Kiaannnn ughh." And runs after him.
He runs to the passenger side and opens the door for nessa. Nessa laughs and shakes her head. She says thank you and goes inside the car.
He smiles at her and goes to the drivers side and starts the car and drives to his house. While they were going to his house nessa turned on the radio and they both started to sing along with the songs. They arrived at Kian's house. And decided to order pizza because they were both hungry. Nessa texted roni and had a worried look and Kian noticed it.

Kian: "Nessa? Are you ok?"
Nessa: "Nothing just a little bit worried."   She answers.
Kian: "Why?"
Nessa: "Well roni wasn't home and she already should be home and didn't say anything to me."
Kian: "Did you text her?"
Nessa: "Yeah just a minute ago."
Kian: "Her phone is probably dead and maybe she is with Aaron."
Nessa: "But he could at least text me that she is with him. Kian I'm really worried."

Kian hugs her and calms her down.
Kian: "Should we wait a little bit and if she then doesn't answer we're gonna call Aaron and ask him okay?"
Nessa nods
Kian: "There is something else you want to tell don't you?"
Nessa sighs, walks to the couch and sits there and Kian sits beside her.
Nessa: "She's hiding something from me."
Kian: "What do you mean?"
Nessa: "She always looks sad but pretends to be happy for some reason. And sometimes I hear her cry and when I ask about it she just comes up with a story or just changes the subject. I talked about it with my parents but they think she's fine and that there is nothing wrong with her. It's been like this for like 2 or 3 years. And a few weeks ago I held her wrist and I could see in her eyes that she got hurt or something but tried to hide it. I asked her what was wrong but she said that it was nothing. Kian I'm really worried about her."
Nessa was in tears while telling kian about what was bothering her and Kian hugged her tight.
Kian: "I'm so sorry that this is happening and to be honest I don't know what to do. I really want to help you but I just don't know what to do."
Nessa: "It's okay." She still cries in his arms.
Kian: "If there is anything I can do please tell me. Roni is like a sister to me and you know that. So if I can do anything please tell me."
Nessa: "I will." She says and smiles at him and he kisses her cheek.
The doorbell rings and Kian opens it.
"Pizza is here" Kian yells exited. Nessa dries up her tears, laughs and shakes her head.
They eat pizza and watch Netflix. A few hours later the two boxes of pizza are empty and they both peacefully sleeping.

1297 words.
Oo myy goshhh I legit takes me like 4 hours to write a story. Jeezz. Anyway I hope you liked this story. I'll see ya later guys. Bye🙃.

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