chapter 10

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Nessa's pov.
I woke up because of a heavily breathing roni next to me. She was still sleeping but also sweating and kept saying things like 'stop it' or 'don't do It' it was more like screaming but not that loud. She was also crying and I got really worried at this point. I woke her up gently and she woke up with a deep sigh. After that she started breathing heavily again until she calmed down a bit. I brought her water and asked her what had happened.

"It was just a nightmare." she answered quick after taking a sip of her water.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her. I'm more worried than I already was. This is probably going about that something she is going through. It is not just something, it is a problem and as a sister I need to help her out.

"Not really." She said and I just nodded. I didn't know what to say at that point. I looked at the time on my phone and it was 2 am. I leaned back on the couch and wondering what to do. I know I couldn't go back to sleep now but I'm giving it a try though. But not right now. I wanted Roni to fall asleep first, but I don't think she was in the mood to sleep right now either.

After a long silence I finally spoke and asked if it was a good idea to go to our rooms and giving sleep a try. Since it was the a school night. Roni agreed and we both went upstairs. Before heading into our rooms we said our good nights.

After that i walked into my room and sat on my bed. I wasn't tired and also not in the mood to sleep, so I just grabbed my laptop and watched a movie. After the movie ended I put my laptop away and had to use the toilet. When I walked into my bathroom and turned the light on I saw myself in the mirror, and legit got scared, automatically put my hand on my chest and jumped a bit. 'Oh my gosh I look horrible.' I said to my self looking a bit closer to the mirror.(Me every time I look in the mirror😂). I did my job and when I was done I decided to check on roni.

So I went to her room and didn't see her in her bed. I went to see if she was in her bathroom and she was. Cuz her door was closed, duhh. She was taking a shower, in the middle of the freaking night. I guess she wasn't over that dream yet. Wut in da world could she have dreamed of? Does it really have this much impact on her?

I went to my room and lied down on my bed. Why is she hiding these things from me? I mean okay, to not hurt me. But the way she keeps it to herself and literally make herself feel bad or whatever she is doing with herself is hurting me more. I can see she needs help but she doesn't want to admit it. And I have a feeling some people might know her secret but won't tel it. I don't know who but I feel this for some reason.

This is weird I never think about these stuff. But since she won't tell me, I have to find out. And I swear I will kill the one who hurts my sister. Okay not literally but you know what I mean.

Everyone is going to see what I can do for my sister, and what I'm going to do for my sister. I would fucking kill myself for her happiness if I had to. She means the world to me, the universe. I don't know what I would do without her. She is my best friend and was there for me through my low times, when no one else was there for me. Mom and dad are never home, and when they are, they just don't care about roni. Like she just doesn't exist or something I don't know how to describe. They spoil me with everything and just don't even look at roni. And they are going to regret that. I don't want to be treated like that, i want them to treat us equally. I feel so bad for her. I feel like I've never been a good sister to her. And I realized it lately. That's why I want to spend more time with her. To know her better again, to get her trust so she tells me what is bothering her so I can help her. But I don't think she'll tell me that. But I'll find out. I'll put everything on the game for her. I don't care about anything other than her and her happiness. I promise.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was 4.17 am. Just a few moments later roni walked into my room. Her eyes were red like she cried and her hear was still wet of showering. She just stood there, just staring at me. Tears started to dripping down her cheeks again. I left my bed as fast as I could and walked to her. And without saying anything I just hugged her tight, she hugged me back and rested her head on my shoulder and just cried. I could feel her tears dripping on my shoulder. We were for a little bit like that and finally I asked her why she was crying.

"It's that dream nessa." She said crying.

"It's okay roni, it's over now." I said calmly.

"But it felt so realistic." She started to calm down a bit.

"What did you dream about then?" I asked her while walking her to my bed. I sat on it and tapped next to me so she came to sit on it as well.

"It was about..." She came to my bed and sat right in front of me on my bed. "I eh.. I was getting raped." She said as tears steered to leave her eyes again.

I hugged her again and told her that it would never happen to her. And stuff like that to not worry her. After a few minutes she asked if she could sleep next to me and ofcource I said yes. We lied next to each other under the blankets and she was still crying. I hate to see her like this. I don't want to see her like this. And I'll change this. Soon she'll be happy again and I don't have to see her like this.

Not much later she fell asleep, but I was still awake. I was thinking what could happen to her and how. I'm going to ask Aaron first. I'm sure he knows. He is always with roni. They are best friends. But not gonna lie they are too cute for best friends and should be more. Just the way they look at each other, the way they smile to each other, and laugh. Just too cute. Buuut if Aaron doesn't wanna tell then Alex. Cuz they can never hold secrets from each other. And I swear I'll beat their ass till they say what roni is hiding.

1227 words.
Hey guys I'm sorry for not posting for a while. I put myself together and I feel better than ever now. Buuut I still got a lazy ass so I'm sorry for that. Anyway I hope you guys liked this chapter and I'm trying to post more often. Bye🙃💜

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