Chapter 6

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【best thing had happened】


Both of them may seem to get comfort to each other but Clara felt shy at the moment where everything seems to be getting fast and awkward. But she believes that whatever might happen in this journey, she will cherish every moment because every second counts. You don't choose what to do when you know it's the time you need to act upon your will of wanting it. Clara feels it thought being sitting down with an American has made her conscious at her movements and face.

"What are you reading?" Dane started.

"Sorry, what?" She asked, her head flies out of nowhere and when Dane get his attention. She landed back on earth.

Dane chuckles with her cute accent, he could listen to this accent all day. "I was just asking what are you reading before those boys threw your book on the ocean."

"Oh, that book," she nodded while thinking its content. "As far as I know, it's a love between two young people that their relationship was disputed by their families causes their relationship at risk because of their family rivalries."

Dane slowly nodded as if he knew that book, "I actually heard of that. That's a nice, tragic book I can say so."

"Woah!" Clara almost shut him up with her hand, "don't spoil me, I'm not even through chapter two."

Dane laughs, "Too bad you didn't get to finish the book."

"But I will when we landed in New York, I'll get a copy."

"I can buy you one," Dane offered.

Clara raises her brows with surprise, "you're joking, right?"

Dane shook his head, "No, I'm not. That would be my remembrance for you, I think at least right."

"True, well thank you for that and I now, may I ask about you?"

"Sure, go on." He pleases. "Just don't get too... you know,"

"What? Sexual?" Clara said but Dane timidly shook his head that Clara thought it was his mean that made her feel uneasy with it. "So, nevermind. We'll move forward. What are you doing? I can see that you're really rich and doesn't mingle with people below you."

Dane laughs, "please don't think of me like that. I'm not that kind of person, I don't degrade people by their standards of living. Every person deserves to live what they want to be and I guess that's okay, no one will harm you by living who they are, right?" Dane said and Clara remained quiet as it turns out not what she's expecting to hear from Dane 'cause she meant it as a joke but turns out in a serious manner. "Anyway, I'm a businessman and was there for a business trip. I didn't get a chance to roam around England but I guess I'll be doing that soon again."

"Tell me when you will be on England so I could take you around," Clara suggested.

"That would be cool, I like that idea. I will surely inform you about that but I supposed that's not happening so soon because there's a lot of things I had to do back in New York, you know what I mean."

"Oh, yeah, of course. You have your job and that's what I like about men."

"What do you like about men?" He asked that made Clara felt like sitting on an interrogation room. She doesn't talk about men, she just thinks about what she thinks about them. It's all in her head, no one knows about it. "C' mon, it's just me. You can tell me about it, I won't spill it to anyone."

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