Chapter 18

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【we see things differently】


Clara and Dane headed to the first-class deck, it was usual to see people who wear glamorous, sophisticated, like royally-quilted dresses and that's how it works with them. The one who shows up with much of a different appearance from the others, would likely caught more attention and that's where the level of their living comes up. And for Clara, she doesn't mind those dresses, attitude first-class people because they only care about their money—not everyone but most.

When they find a bench, Clara hurriedly fetches herself a seat while tapping the next vacant seat for Dane. He laughs walking closer to her and when he seated, Clara giggles and he chuckles to what just happened.

They were facing the sea, obviously, it would be the only view they can see for the next few days until they reach the New York port. Dane glances at Clara and she started flipping the pages of the book to find the page where she left off.

"Here it is," Clara muttered when she found the right page. Dane put his hand to cover the book. Clara looked at him confusedly, trying to guess what he's doing as he's not removing his hand from it. "Would you mind taking your hand off of my book? I'm reading."

"Stop reading, Clara." His tone was demanding. "Could we just spend a moment looking how far we are now and lucky enough to experience this kind of beauty? Not all people can be in our position to see this." Dane was trying his best to occupy Clara and to interrupt her continuing reading the book she got from the library. "Just closed the book, Clara." He pleased.

She heaved a sigh, Dane removed his hand and she closes the book and lay it beside her.

"And what now? What do you want me to do?" she questioned, hinting a smile.

"First let's close our eyes,"

She raises her brow, "and then what?"

"Just do what I tell,"

"You're not my boss," she stated.

"I know that," Dane reckoned. "Just do what I say, okay?"

She rolls her eyes and then closes it, "whatever you're trying to do Mister."

Clara intently observes what Dane will say next. There's a number of thoughts clouding her mind and were trying to guess what would it be he's trying to do. Then he heard him instructing to take a deep breath as she followed without hesitation.

"Count up to five then released," he told and then Clara counts in her head and opens her mouth as she breathes out. "Then do it ten times,"

"For what?" she asked.

"Nothing. It was just to have some peaceful thoughts and clear out the negative things." He responded. Clara slightly opens her right eye to check if Dane's doing the same and when she caught that his eyes were also closed, she immediately closes her eyes. "Would you do it with me?"

And then Clara hummed to give him a response.

They repeatedly did the same routine of breathing in through the nose and releasing it out from their mouth for about ten times spending almost twelve minutes of their time. Breathing in the smell of the sea, eliminating the noises around them and only the purity of their mind wraps them. When they're done; slowly opening their eyes makes their vision a little blurry and it well-adjusted after a few seconds. She somehow felt relieved, light and really had a good feeling. She turned to face him with a huge smile plastered on her face. She tapped his shoulder.

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