Chapter 14

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【an uncomfortable situation】


Now that she's done preparing her outfit for the dinner, Clara felt that whatever she wears tonight would be good for her. She just believes that nothing could go wrong after this day. When she looks at herself, trying not to cringe with the dress she's wearing to not to offend Nora so she smiles, making it all comfortable even though it's the opposite. Clara didn't expect to be in this kind of situation, well she thought of getting in the first-class but not after getting the second-class ticket.

She could've brought her dresses and gowns that totally suits her.

"What do you think?" Nora asked.

They both looked at the full-length mirror as Nora gushes her feelings towards Clara.

Clara nodded to her, being thankful that she had spared her a dress. "Thanks... though you really didn't need to bother."

Nora smirks, "I don't care to dress you up. You're pretty Clara and I think you carry the dress so good—it's so perfect."

Clara felt shy and embarrass but accepts her compliment. "Thank you, Nora—I mean, really."

"That's all I can do for now—what if I had all the things I needed right?" she giggles, "so we're done right? I think we should go now and they must've been waiting for a long time."

"I guess so," She smiled.

She got first out of the room, Nora followed her. They walked together headed to the dining saloon. Clara isn't very comfortable beside Nora after all Dane has been telling on her. Maybe Dane's wrong or it is just another perspective to look unto but she has to dwell with the situation for now.

When they were near the hall, Nora sparked out a topic.

"So, what are you going to do when we're in New York?"

Clara shrugged off her shoulder, give her an unsure smile.

"What do you mean by that?" Nora asked, raising her brow.

"I really don't know, but to what I told Dane about it—I would just roam around New York and I guess taste the foods serves on-street, right? I would definitely get to grab one."

"So, you don't know where to go, right now?"

"I may have some little ideas but as of now, nothing. I just want to enjoy this cruise on the biggest ship in the world. How fantastic is that right?"

She giggles, "Is this your first-time dear?"

Clara quickly nodded, didn't realize how they become conversational with each other. "I have never been out of my country, I'm busy with my studies and the business my father takes in our place. Things that I mostly do were to study or checking my father's business."

"What's your father's business anyway?"


"Wow," Nora amazed. "Really?"

Clara nodded, "sure, we already have few branches around the city. I'm proud of it."

"You must be really, good for you and your family."

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