Chapter 26

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【play for me, please】


All through the night, Clara was remembering how unpredictable situations occurred just for the whole day and it couldn't get her to sleep because of what she'd been through. It seems like she spends an eternity after experiencing such fun and playtime events down to those horrible actions in which made her day fall into something dreary and cruel.

What Charles did to him earlier swallowed the thoughts of Dane kissing him. Thing quickly changes over time and she didn't expect that every seconds and minute passes, she knows something is happening and maybe what happened at the end of the day was just out of curiosity and as an act of saying thank you but Clara wouldn't think of that scenario that way.

Dane could've done to express his gratitude through words though, in fact, Clara could've been the one saying all her gratitude towards him for staying and keeping her safe all day. She got lost in the thought that in a few seconds, she nearly vomited in her bed but quickly got up and went to the sink and let it all out. She's tired of her seasickness, it gets worst every time.

When she goes back to her bed, she immediately closes her eyes and calms herself down. She started using the technique where Dane teaches her to do, the breathing exercise to calm her down and be good at ease. It won't take too long when she falls asleep.

April 13, 1912

38 hours before the iceberg collision.

CLARA woke up in a continuous low knock from her door. She gently rubs her eyes and opens it. She saw the light coming from the small-round window above her and it was too bright she couldn't stare for too long. She roams her eyes around her room and still heard the continuous knocks coming from the outside. She strips the blanket from her and land her feet on the floor and stood up as she lazily finds her way to the door.

She reaches for the doorknob and slowly turns it to open the door. As she spread wide open the door, Dane came in sight holding a piece of a small paper bag in his hand. Clara stared at her face for too long that she didn't hear him greeted her. Dane waves his hand in front of her face that made her go back to her senses and shake her head a little.

"Oh, I'm sorry... I—I just woke up..." she said, smile a little.

"I guess..." he chuckles and looks at his watch, "it's a little bit late waking up at nine, right?"

At the moment, from being weary and doesn't have the energy to move around, as Dane reminded her the time filled up her senses. Her eyes widen up and panicked that she immediately grabbed some fresh new clothes and a towel. Dane was just watching her panicked until she was about to leave the room and Dane was still blocking her way out.

She glared at him, "Hey, I need to go to the common bathroom now..."

"Stop," he holds her shoulder and Clara was confused. "Go easy, Clara."

"I'm gonna missed my breakfast," she insisted.

"That's why I brought you something," and he showed it to her face the paper bag he had. Clara scrunched her face tired to guess what's inside of it. "It's just some bread and crackers from the breakfast I had earlier at the Parisian Restaurant. I've got to meet Mr. Roberts there, spend some time talking about our future business—though that's not the reason why I'm here and to talk to you about what happened there. I just want you to have this,"

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