Chapter 32

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When their meals are served, their eyes were playing festive from the course of dishes served right in front of them. It was drooling enough not to eat right away and so they started to devour each one of them to their plates but of course with a manner as if they were competing enough to make themselves full. They slowly take it all, enjoying every last bit like they were taking their last sumptuous dinner together.

Nora joined them together at dinner because her father would be accompanied by some of the first-class people. Dane was invited to join with Mr. Amford but he declines that's why in the end, the four of them started to hang out together even just for the night and maybe for the next few days coming. And Clara and Dane think that something might have been going on with the two of them because since the last moment they were together, Frank couldn't stop smiling next to Nora but on the other hand, Clara couldn't set aside the thought that they might have something too and she couldn't speak it to Dane because it's the two of them!

"What's the score between the two of you?" Dane asked out of nowhere.

The two were a little shocked to his question but giggled right after. "We're friends," Frank answered and look at Nora who's across with me on the table. I'm looking at her, waiting for her confirmation and she smiles and nodded. "There's nothing going on between us, don't makeup something, Dane."

Dane smirks, "I just thought because you look so happy when you're around here."

"That's too bold to say that, Dane." He accused, "but that's alright, I'm fond of her company and she's quite lovely, I guess. And there's nothing wrong about what I do."

"He's right," She speaks her side, finally. "Frank's a friendly person, I'm quite fond of his personality too though I don't like being around people who smoke, he's an exception though he promised that he won't smoke nearby because there's an allocated room for that kind of thing. The smoking room was just up above the deck, Frank."

Frank chuckles, "I'll take note of that."

"Go ahead, I'll be happy you'll do that," she smirks and her eyes fiercely shifted on my direction. "What about the two of you? What's the real score?" she countered.

Clara froze but she knows that he's looking at her so she keeps her head straight to Nora. Though she wanted to send her some message through her reaction, but she couldn't because the boys are eager to know the answer, especially Dane who's staring at her like she has the answer to Nora's question.

Dane clears his throat, "we're just friends," he answered. She was absolutely relieved when he said that but slightly disappointed. A sign of dismay coming from Nora when Dane said that because they talked to each other, they know what it is all about but because Clara's around, he keeps denying what his affections towards her. "There's no score between us." He added.

"But what's with the hug?" Frank questioned.

Clara added that situation to her mind because when he saw him earlier rushing towards her direction as if something serious happened to her and he was worried about her condition but when he knows that his fine, he was relieved. Clara wouldn't be able to forget that because she knows that what she saw there was some genuine act and not just something.

"It was a friendly gesture," Dane answered, he rose her brows. "Of course, we worried about our friends especially when I know something bad happened, I couldn't let it happen again."

"Something bad happened?" Nora repeated. "What's wrong?"

Clara looks at his eyes and he let her say it according to her own perspective. Good thing for Dane because he didn't say anything about it let Clara told the story and she thinks that it was kind of him not to spill anything but of course for anyone's knowledge of what really happened, she told it to Nora who was shocked, thrilled and disgusted upon hearing the story. She doesn't want to end it because her father unknowingly invited that maniac over lunch and keep saying appreciative words about Clara and Dane that behind all those things, he was hiding his dark motives.

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