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After a month since the iceberg collision, Clara seems moving on from her life and Trevor was there to help her get over the things she may be having a hard time but he knows that it is not easy to forget all the things, she couldn't just erase from her mind. The human mind isn't capable of doing memory elimination. It is a process towards learning and accepting the truth. Some nights, she still gets some nightmares, and Trevor was there to comfort her and told her that everything was fine and she's no longer on the verge of danger. She's safe and knowing that she's safe on Trevor's arm, nothing could go wrong.

Sometimes she wonders what Nora's doing now—if she's still dealing with the loss of our friend and dear beloved to her—Frank and what would they be doing now if he survived. And it's the thing that Clara was scared of, seeing the lifeless body of Trevor. Sometimes it's hard for her to sleep with a lot of thoughts going around her head but it is part of her life now. Moving on was her first option, forgetting wasn't the best, and accepting what happened cost everything and it's just a fact that they have to live forever.

And Clara talk with Trevor about the kids who throw her book on the sea and after that, they just became a family—Clara thought so and they welcomed her so there's nothing to think about that. She's happy to talk about them how chaos turned out to be something memorable. Trevor notices that every time she talks about Barrett and Harold, Clara seems happy and contented and because those people are from the third-class but that doesn't mean that's where the life ends. As she was talking about saving, running from the flooding from the lower deck—Clara cried when she talks about their father as he promises to the kids that he will give them a better life in New York but now that he's gone, it won't happen. They lost the money too she gave them and after getting into the Carpathia, it was the last time she saw them and she hasn't heard anything from them from now on.

"Do you still want to know if Dane's alive?" Trevor asked.

Clara creased her forehead, "why do you keep asking him?"

Trevor shrugged off his shoulder, "I don't know... I just want to know if you want still want to know it. It's been a month already and you have no idea if he made it or not. Maybe he's more than just a friend to you..."

Clara sighs, "honestly, I thought so too," she confessed and with that Trevor wasn't surprised at all. "I know it's surprising to say this and Dane's just a stranger and I met him on the ship but I thought it was more than just a friend... but you never knew when everything collapsed as lies started to wreck the walls we established. The foundation of our friendship ended there and yes, I hope he made it but I can't see him, not now... not ever..."

"But you still have his diamond ring. If he was alive then he must've been looking for you... he must've been looking for that ring."

Clara fidgeted her finger to the ring and stared at it. She doesn't know what to say. She raises her head and looks at Trevor. "If he's alive and looking for this ring, he could have it a few weeks ago because I know this isn't just a diamond ring..." she said. Trevor didn't ask for follow up questions because he notices that Clara's getting teary-eyes about talking it.

He knows that there's more something about this man. Dane wasn't just some stranger or friend into her life because if he was, Clara wouldn't react this way. She'll be over with him, won't dodge every conversation about him. If he just knew about him, he would understand what she's going through because, at some point, Clara didn't tell everything about Dane—she never spoke anything she did alone with him. But Trevor respects Clara's decision and privacy and he wouldn't push himself to know something that even the person doesn't want to talk about it anymore.

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