Chapter 25

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Frank suggested that they should remove some of their clothing so they wouldn't look like so much a first-class passenger because that would catch a lot of attention when third-class people would see some higher than them lurking around their space and people like them don't want to be like invaded. They protested a lot when it comes to their rights and everything that they like just to oppose to their situations.

Dane was only left with his white polo, he took his coat and bow tie away. Frank does the same and when they look at Clara, they were expecting her to remove something from her but looking at her own dress—she has nothing to remove unless she walks barefoot leaving her heels with the rest of their clothing.

"I think..." Dane thought of another way she could lie low herself. "Put your hair down and the lipstick might be somewhat gaining too much attention when people look at you."

"I agree," Frank said patting his shoulder. "You're already way too beautiful and it seems like you're from the first-class passengers too though it doesn't even matter where your status on this ship right now."

"Okay, I'll do it then," Clara pulled the lace on her hair and shakes her head that falls on her shoulder. It was wavy, her smooth brown hair waves into the course of the wind going through their direction. To remove the color on her lips, Dane gave him a clean handkerchief that she rubbed into her lips several times though Clara may look like a little pale and the two guys couldn't take their eyes away from her. "Is that okay?"

They both nodded and agreed.

"I mean, yeah," Dane said nodding, "you may still probably look like some first-class or second-class because of your natural appearance but I don't think they won't bother you to look at you when they know that all the people around them were on the same level as them-Just act like them,"

"Yeah," Frank nodded. "That'll be the case and if they will notice us. There's only one solution to that,"

"What?" Clara and Dane asked in chorus.

"We should go back to where we belong," he seriously uttered. "Uh-uh, that's right. What you've heard is correct because some people down there sometimes wanted to begin a fight—"

"Or we could just ignore them, right?" Clara retorted.

"Possible," Frank pointed. "But some of them—I guess, third-class people have a lot of different perspectives in things so ignoring them might attract some not so good attention towards them. They don't like to be ignored. They want to be seen and heard that's why many first-class people don't bother to step a foot below them because that would create chaos between the normal things—the status of their state of living. No one wants to be around them because people live the way they are and if only they had the capabilities to be more than that, it's good—better for them actually but now, that is the current issue. A high, relative person who has weighing money in their pockets wouldn't befriend themselves to people that don't matter with their lives. It's easy as that," he explains as the two were left diminished.

"We understand you now, Frank," Dane muttered.

He scratches his head, "I know that's a lot of explanations but don't expect too much when we're around them later, just remember what I said."

"I guess, Frank's saying was we act above no authority within their space and just be friendly."

"You got it, lady." Frank pointed at her and winked.

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