Chapter 30

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【scary but worth it】


A few continuous playful knocks on the door was heard, Clara unexpectedly took a nap in the middle of reading a book. She was in the same position for over an hour, laying down on her stomach so when she tried to move, she couldn't. She cramped her leg and she wasn't to get herself up from the bed. She gripped on the comforter to ease the pain coming from it and let herself calm even though it feels like her leg has been pricked by needles for a few seconds. It lasted for more than a minute when she took a deep breath and stood up to open the door—maybe it's Dane already.

But as she walks towards the door, the knocks on the door stopped so she reaches the knob and slowly opens the door until she sees no one standing right in front of her. She let her head out of the door to peek if someone was just hiding but to her wonder, no one was around. She scratches her head and thought that it might be done by the kids who have been relentlessly abandoned by their parents.

Though she was expecting someone who would come to see her as of now. It's been a few hours ago since they left each other and he hasn't been coming back if they were just joining together at lunch. She pushes the door closed and went back to her bed fishing up the book and even if she started to continue reading, her mind won't cooperate as she couldn't comprehend any words her eyes passing over.

Clara decided to stand on her bed, she finds her balance and put her hand by the wall so she wouldn't fall out of the bed. She leaned her head to the round-window that has an overview of the vast, crystal blue ocean. She's nearly on her tiptoe and seeing the same view was kinda boring so she jumped out of the bed and look around her small cabin because she felt like there's nothing she could do right now.

Next thing she stopped lurking around when he heard another round of playful knocks. She grunted, stomps her feet making her way to the door and was ready to scold the person behind the door but her eyes widen, speechless when the one she's expecting to show up was the one in front of her now.

Dane scrunched his face, guessing why Clara's reaction seems a little bit odd. A little.

"Why?" he asked, a laugh came out with his words. And Clara seems frozen in her situation to answer his question. "Clara? Why do you look like you're gonna punch someone? Are you gonna punch me?" he assumed and gasped as he didn't expect that kind of action towards me. "Clara?!" he shouted in her face that instantly brought her back to her senses.

He did a little shake in her head and blink a few times, "what?" she could only say.

"I don't get you, what's the problem? You seem a little bothered."

"No, I'm not." She reasoned, "I'm not bothered." She defended as if Dane would only believe it as easy like that.

"No, you are. What's the problem? Was Charles here? What did he do to you?" He was frantic. "Tell me, Clara. What he had done to you?"

"Relax," her tone was calming and reach his shoulder to assure him that nothing has been going on. "I don't know why would you say that Charles had been here but he's not. I just woke up, clearly didn't get to finish reading the book again, and I thought you're the one who's knocking at the door earlier so I came in my feet lazily to find no one upon opening the doors and I thought it was just the kids then another knock came through," she took a deep breath, "I was ready to burst out in anger but I stopped when it's you, I froze and that's it. Nothing Charles happened in the scene, I don't wanna be around that maniac anymore."

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