Chapter 50

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【we'll be going home】


Clara's parents stayed with her at her place for a few days. On a simple reason that they want to make sure that she's doing fine and she's experiencing nothing worst from the tragic incident. Though Clara was with the comfort of her family, sometimes her mind swayed into some people she was with on the ship. What's happening to Nora now and how they cope up with her situation because after that moment, she didn't know what would happen next. The last thing Nora said to her as if she was able to join them in their hometown, though they don't live in New York City and much far away to North. Mister Amford must likely continue his business amidst losing some of his important belongings on the ship.

She wouldn't able to forget all the things that had happened, even if she wished to erase those unwanted memories in his mind, it wouldn't go away in a click of a finger or in a blink of an eye. She just needs to accept it and dwell with it forever. Every day, Clara tried to reach out to her parents and tell something good about her experience on the ship and they were happy for her because at least for a moment, she stood there freer than ever.

"Are you still hoping that your friend, uh, Dane is still alive?" Trevor asked out of nowhere. She's a little shocked when he ask him because after telling him about the ring, he didn't ask for more but then maybe Trevor has been keeping it for himself and he just took the chance to ask it on her.

"Do I hope to know if he's alive?" she countered, dodging his question. "Of course, Trevor. I wanted to know that he's alive and well. He's one of my new-found friends and he made me happy as we enjoyed our first few days on the ship. He's the type of man who will do everything to help you, to comfort you, and to have fun with you even if staying up all night would be the cost of it. But of course, you're far different from him, Trevor." When she said that to him, his face scrunched as he didn't want to hear what she would say next that probably offend him. "No, it's not what you think, Trevor. Your personality and attitude were far from who he was, I'm fond of his personality but I love your attitude. The way you make feel comfortable and smile at all times, though sometimes you made me upset it's just a small thing. We still manage to keep something between good."

"And what about that man, Dane? Why am I different from him?" he asked, curious enough to know what are their differences.

Clara giggled and shook her head, "See, Trevor, I told you about who he was but I also wished that you were with me on the ship because I think things will go differently if you were with me but... good thing that you're not because probably, I'll worry you the most because they wouldn't let any mean board on any lifeboats as they settled women and children there... you could have been in their shoes if you were with me..." and just thought of it, she doesn't know what will happen if Trevor was there and an image of Frank flashes into her mind. Seeing him frozen made him stared blankly. Losing at her own thought, Trevor snapped his finger in front of her face and she goes back into her senses and made a little shake in her head.

"Is everything okay?" Trevor asked. His worry plastered on his face.

Clara nodded, trying to be positive. "Back to where I was saying, you're much different from him. You care for me and he lied to me—I know you're honest towards me and I appreciate you for being such a good friend to me. I actually admire you for being this kind of person with me. Don't get the wrong idea, I know we're totally best friends and I love if we stay in that kind of way."

Trevor nodded, "I know I'm such a good friend and I thought you'll be able to see more of it. But hey no, I don't judge what you think of me because I know where I am at in your life right now and I don't wanna change anything for that. But I know I'm more than great than your Dane. Wait—" he thought, "if he's a first-class and you're a second-class, how did you guys meet?"

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