Deadpool vs. Hades

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Deadpool and Jerry are playing Checkers near the ball pit until the super computer began to ring.
Deadpool and Jerry ran over to the super computer and turned it on and it turns out to be Carter again.
Deadpool: Hey Carter!
Carter: Glad you answered Deadpool.
Deadpool: Alright. Who's next?
Carter: Hades.
Deadpool: You mean Death?
Carter: I guess you can say that.
Deadpool: so where do I find him?
Carter: You'll find him in the science lab
Deadpool: OK thanks for the info later.
Deadpool turned off the super computer and turned to Jerry
Deadpool: Alright let's head to the Science Lab.
Jerry: OK
Deadpool and Jerry left their lair and headed straight to the Science lab but when they arrived Hades wasn't there
Deadpool: What- He was supposed to be here!
Jerry: maybe he's running late.
Deadpool: You could be right. In the meantime let's watch a video I made on my Chromebook.
Jerry: Oh my god yes.
Deadpool and Jerry sat down near a table as Deadpool started up the video.
The video shows a puppet show with Deadpool as the main character in his puppet form
Deadpool: hi I'm Deadpool and I'm about to fight the Greek gods,
Suddenly the gods appears in their puppet forms
Gods: Prepare to die
Deadpool: Actually, you are gonna die, because I'm about to blow you sky high!
Deadpool takes out a buzzer and presses the button which explodes the entire puppet theater including the gods.
Deadpool gets up from the explosion and says
"Yay! I'm alive!"
The video ends with a boom.
Deadpool: HAHAHAHA!!!! That was funny right!?
But before Jerry can reply a magic projectile hit him sending him flying out of the school saying.
Deadpool was Devastated as he cried.
"JERRY NO!!!!!"
Hades came out from the entrance and found Deadpool
Hades: I have found you Deadpool.
Deadpool looked over at Hades all mad like.
Deadpool: You will pay for you did to Jerry!
Hades: Actually, you'll pay for what you did to my allies.
Deadpool had to think of something to get out of this situation until he had an idea.
Deadpool: uh... Hey look it's Persephone!!!
Hades: Huh Where!?
Hades looked at the opposite direction giving Deadpool a chance to escape.
Hades: You can't run from me.
Deadpool was seen running away from the Hades while he was chasing after Deadpool.
Deadpool found a desk near the gym so he hid under it as Hades passed him.
Deadpool: Whew. I think I lost him. *sigh* But I gotta find a way out of here but how?
Deadpool notices a door near him
Deadpool: Maybe that's the way out.
Deadpool was about to enter until he saw a stop sign.
Deadpool: Stop? I ain't gonna stop!
"HONEY  I'M- What the?" Deadpool said as he opened the door,
Deadpool then realized he was on a game show.
???: Welcome to What's Behind The Door! I'm your host Alex Galore and today we have a special contestant participating in this game!
The Game show host then points to Deadpool as he said.
"You, come on down.
Deadpool walked over to the game show host.
Alex: What's your name?
Deadpool: Names Deadpool and- wait a minute, where am I?
Alex: You are on a game show called What's Behind The Door! And you are competing for the grand prize!
Deadpool: Oh I love game shows! So what are the rules?
Alex: It's simple you just pick a door out of the 4 doors and win a prize!
Deadpool: Ooh! That sounds fun! But can I pick 3
Alex: Sorry, but you can only pick one
Deadpool: Please!!!!!!
Alex: Ok fine...
Deadpool: Sweet! So how does this work?
Alex: You can pick 3 of the 4 doors. 2 of them will have an item that will be useful to you and the other door will have the grand prize, however there will be a trap behind one of them so choose wisely,
Deadpool: Hmm... Sounds simple enough, Ok I'll start off with door number 3.
Alex: From door number 3 you won... A Deadpool doll!
Deadpool: Oh my chimichangas! I always wanted a doll of me!
Alex: Ok Deadpool choose another one.
Deadpool: hmm... Let's go with door number 2
Alex: from door number 2 you won... A new Nintendo Switch!
Deadpool: Oh my Chimichangas times 2!!
Alex: Ok Deadpool. This is your last pick.
Deadpool: I'll choose 1
Alex: From door number 1 is... How about you open it?
Deadpool: Wait, why me!?
Alex: Maybe it's something you like.
Deadpool: Ok... Here goes nothing
Deadpool goes over to door number 1 and opens it and realizes Hades came back.
Hades: I told you, you can't escape me,
Deadpool screamed as he slams the door and runs out of the game show as Hades chased after him.
Alex: Um... Thanks for playing?
Hades chased after Deadpool as he was still running when Deadpool was finally trapped.
Hades: It's over Deadpool.
Deadpool: Wait! Uh... Do you like dolls?
Hades: No.
Deadpool: Well too bad!! Because I have a Deadpool doll for you.
Hades: Well I'll take it since Persephone wants a doll anyway.
Hades takes the doll from Deadpool but then realizes there was a timer on the back of the doll.
Hades: Oops...
The doll then exploded making the god of the dead knocked out,
Deadpool: Wow, I didn't know my doll can explode. But I was going to save it for Kelsey's Cheeseburger shop! Hey wait a minute I have a spare one in my cooler.
Until Hades came crawling over to Deadpool weakened.
Deadpool: Oh come on, your not dead yet!?
Hades: I... Will... Still... Beat... You...
Suddenly a specific person came flying down from the roof of the school and landed on top of Hades knocking him out permanently. And it just so happens to be Jerry.
Deadpool: JERRY!!!! Your alive!!!!
Jerry: Yep!
Deadpool: But how did you-?
Jerry: When i was flying through the sky there was a nearby cannon and when I landed in it, it shot me back down.
Deadpool: That makes sense. Now let's head back into our hideout.
Deadpool and Jerry walked back into their hideout but when they got back, they saw it destroyed and trashed.

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