Sneak peek of Upcoming Deadpool story

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After Deadpool defeated the Greek gods and saved the Milestones Day School, Deadpool and his friends are watching Batman and Shia LaBeouf vs. Superman Dawn of  Do It, and they laugh each time they see Shia LaBeouf in the movie.
Mia: Now I get it why you and Jerry love this movie
Deadpool: I know it's hilarious isn't it?
Just then, A sound was heard in a closet outside of the room.
Nathan: What was that?
Jerry: I don't know.
Deadpool: you guys stay here Jerry and I will go see what it is.
Deadpool gets up and leaves the room with Jerry following him.
As they left the room, they walk over to the closet and sees a portal.
Deadpool: Another one!? Geez haven't we done this already!? But I don't see any Greek gods appearing.
Jerry: Who knows? Maybe this one can be harmless.
Just then the portal started to crackle with electricity as it tries to suck Deadpool and Jerry in,
Deadpool: I guess not.
Deadpool and Jerry tries to run but the Portal gets closer to Deadpool and Jerry sucking them in but Deadpool and his partner managed to grip their hands near a wall. Then Deadpool looked at the audience and said.
Deadpool: Before Jerry and I get sucked in, I got something to say to you, Join me in my next story as Jerry and I take on a threat in another world.
"Deadpool ouuuuut!!!" Deadpool yelled as he gets sucked in.

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