Deadpool vs Zeus. The Final Battle/Ending.

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Deadpool and Jerry are on their way to their final opponent but the catch is they don't know where to meet him
Deadpool: Oh my god. How are supposed to find Zeus? He never told us where to meet him!
Jerry: don't worry we'll find him.
Just them Deadpool's God tracker in Jerry's hand started lighting up
Jerry: Hey Deadpool look!
"What is it?" Deadpool asked as he came over to Jerry
Jerry: your tracker is lighting up that means we're on the the right track!
Deadpool: Sweet! Let's keep going!
Deadpool and Jerry ran down the hall to find their target. As they continued to run the tracker grew brighter until it started beeping. That's when Deadpool and Jerry looked up and saw Zeus on the upstairs sensory room.
Deadpool: Finally, we found him!
Jerry: Yeah after all of that running. We finally made it.
Deadpool: Yeah.
Jerry: Now all we have to do is take him out and the school will be free.
Deadpool: Hmm... That reminds me.
Deadpool takes out his phone and starts texting to some of his friends
Jerry: What are you doing?
Deadpool: I'm texting my friends. Because Zeus maybe the most toughest opponent we will ever face so I thought we would bring some allies with us.
As the two heroes walked to the room they saw a door that is covered in electricity.
Jerry: Great how are we supposed get in?
Deadpool: I got this special Greek god security pass.
Jerry: Where'd you get that?
Deadpool: I stole it from Aquaman.
Jerry: You mean Poseidon?
Deadpool: Yeah.
Deadpool scanned the card to the door as the monitor said.
"Access Granted."
The doors electricity then stopped as the doors opened.
Deadpool: Let's finish this!
Deadpool and Jerry then barged in through the door where Zeus was waiting for them
Deadpool: Looks like he didn't notice us come in.
Jerry: let's sneak attack him.
Deadpool: OK
Deadpool took out his rubber chicken and proceeds to whack him but it turns out to be a hologram as it disappeared.
Deadpool: What the-?
The guards came in from behind the door.
Guard 1: Looks like we tricked you heroes.
Jerry: You got to be kidding...
Guard 1: Nope this was our plan all along.
Deadpool: Ok. So tell me. Is Zeusy still in the school?
Guard 2: Sorry sir but our master is in another castle.
Deadpool: you stole that from Mario.
Guard 1: ENOUGH! We shall defeat and bring your bodies to Master Zeus.
Deadpool: first tell us where Zeus is!
Guard: We cannot tell you.
Deadpool took out his forks while Jerry took out his Meme Blaster.
Deadpool: Then we'll just going to have to beat them out of you.
With that the soldiers and two charged at each other.
Deadpool knocked out a couple of soldiers with his forks. While Jerry shot an "Omae wa mou shindeiru" bullet at the soldiers knocking them out.
Deadpool: Whew! I think that's the last of them.
But then more soldiers came in through the door.
Deadpool: Oh god... How many of these guys are there!?
Jerry: Don't know but don't you have something at could take care of these guys?
Deadpool: hold on.
Deadpool looked through his pockets but he finds nothing in there so he had to go for plan B by jumping out of he screen and grabbing a certain item.
"Got it!" Deadpool yelled as he held up a certain button
"What kind of item is that?" Said one of the soldiers
Deadpool: Let's just say... I know that right people. With this continuity button, I can rewrite anything I think needs fixing. I can stop one of my friends from being sick, rewrite the Suicide Squad Movie, Prevent COVID-19 from happening, or even make you play dead.
"Wait what!?" Said one of the soldiers.
"Allow me to demonstrate." Deadpool said as he pushed the button which electrocutes all of the soldiers making them play dead. Except for two of them
Deadpool: OK... Can we be done here?
Soldier: Not yet, you must face one last opponent. Our champion!
Deadpool: and what does your champion look like?
Then a Giant gladiator robot appeared before Deadpool and Jerry.
Deadpool: What the-? HOW'D YOU GUYS GET A ROBOT!?
Soldier: We borrowed it from a science teacher.
Deadpool: Well this is going to be harder then I thought. Uh... Give me a second.
Deadpool looked through his pockets we he took out a piece of gum.
"Nope" Deadpool said as he threw it aside, he then took out Mario hammer.
"Uh-uh" Deadpool said as he threw it aside again
Deadpool then takes out a random stick.
"Nope" Deadpool said as he threw it aside again
Deadpool then took out what he was looking for. "The Gladiator Robot Instruction Manual" he then held it up in the air.
But then a laser was shot by the robot destroying the manual
Deadpool: Ah crud...
Soldier: now Attack!!
The giant gladiator robot charged at them but Deadpool had a trick up his sleeve. He took out a banana and devoured it and then he threw a banana peel on the floor causing the robot to slip and falls and when it landed on the desk, it immediately blew up.
Deadpool and Jerry then walked over to the soldier.
Deadpool: Ok buddy, last chance where is Zeus?
Soldier: Uh.. He's at the Best Western hotel. That's where you will find him. And also Zeus does not own this palace
Deadpool: wait... So what you're saying is. That this school isn't his palace all along!?
Soldier: Yes that's correct!
Jerry: Didn't see that coming.
Deadpool's: First I'm gonna do to you what Limp Bizkit did to music in the late 90s.
Deadpool took out his fork and knocked out the guard by whacking him.
Deadpool: Well Jerry let's head to the hotel! And hopefully we can get some tacos there too.
Until the robot said "self-destruct initiated in 30 seconds
Deadpool: That can't be good.
Deadpool and Jerry made a run for it.
Jerry: so what's the plan?
Deadpool: You find the other exit I'm escaping the awesome way.
Jerry: whatever you say.
Jerry went downstairs while Deadpool went Upstairs
As Deadpool managed to find the exit but there was a window that was barricaded by glass windows. He then saw Jerry outside.
Deadpool: How did you escape so easily?
Jerry: I took the elevator.
Deadpool: Lucky!
Jerry: So how are you going to escape? You only got 10 seconds.
Deadpool: It's simple, watch this
Deadpool took a few steps and then ran towards the windows as well as taking out a few pencils.
Jerry: Uh... what are you doing?
"HAHAHA! HECK YES!! Deadpool yelled as he then threw the pencils at the windows which shatters them. When the countdown reached 0, the building exploded by then he jumped by saying
Jerry: Dude, You can't fly.
Deadpool: Well it is good to have dreams though.
Jerry: Dreams yes. Delusions?
A buzzer was then heard as Deadpool fell saying.
Deadpool: NO!!!!
Deadpool was about to land on the ground on his back but he did a couple of flips and lands on his feet.
Deadpool: Whew, I thought we were toast.
Jerry: good thing we managed to escape. But only question is... how are we going to get to the Best Western hotel from here?
Deadpool: That is a good question.
???: We'll take you there.
Deadpool: What the-?
When they turned around, Mia, Nathan Chloe Paten, Brian, Ben, Jocelyn, and Jimmy appeared behind The 2 heroes. Armed with armor and weapons.
Mia was armed with a nerf bow and arrow, and toy fan and female ninja armor Nathan was armed with a toy medieval sword and a shield in a knight's armor and Jimmy was armed with a baseball bat with several baseballs around his front chest with baseball battle armor.
Mia: Looks like you could use some help!
Deadpool: Mia, Nathan, Jimmy, Jocelyn, Brian, Ben, Chloe, Paten, Thomas, Chloe P, You came!
Jerry: What you doing here?
Jimmy: you texted us that you and Jerry are going to fight Zeus so we thought we would help you out.
Deadpool: Wait how did you guys even get here?
Nathan: Oh it's simple we snuck out of our houses without our parents noticing.
It was 9:00 PM where Mia and Nathan were in Mia's room sleeping until a notification came from Mia's phone as she woke up and unlocked it and saw a text from Deadpool
Mia: Hey Nathan you might want to have a look at this.
"What is it?" Nathan asked as he woke up.
Mia: It's a text message from Deadpool.
Nathan: What does it say?
Mia: I don't know let's find out,
Nathan and Mia looked at the message Deadpool sent them which says
"Kids, I need to talk to you about something, Jerry and I managed to beat the rest of the Greek gods, now Zeus is all that's left, we really could use your help on taking him down, he going to be tough so I recommend you bring your friends. so you guys should gear up and head out.
Mia: So Deadpool and Jerry need our help huh?
Nathan: Well what are we waiting for? Let's gear up and head out!
Mia: We can't. Liz grounded us remember?
Nathan: well, our parents are sleeping right?
Mia: Um... Yes?
Nathan: Well this could be our chance to sneak out!
Mia: Hold on I'm gonna go check.
Mia got out of bed and crept into her parent's room and sees them sleeping. She then goes back to her room and says.
Mia: Your right! This could be our chance to escape! But we will have to be quiet.
Nathan: Ok what's the plan?
Mia: First we should gear up.
Nathan: Right!
Nathan and Mia gathered their stuff and put them on. Mia wore a female ninja armor armed with a bow and a quiver full off arrows with a toy fan in her side pocket, while Nathan wore a knight armor armed with a medieval sword, shield and a couple of nerf guns and bullets.
Nathan: alright now that we geared up, we can finally escape!
Mia: But how do we escape?
Nathan looked around the room but couldn't find a way to escape.
Nathan: Nope I got nothing.
Mia Looked around the room and noticed a cylinder like shape in the closet,
She then opened it and noticed something hidden behind Nathan's toys as she moved them aside, she then found a slide that leads them out of the house.
Mia: Nathan over here!
Nathan: Hold on! I need to finish making these dummies to cause a diversion
Nathan then finished making the dummies as he hid them under the covers.
Nathan: ok what is it Mia?
Mia: I found our secret slide which will allow us to escape the house,
Nathan: well let's get going!
Nathan and Mia then slid down the slide and snuck out successfully.
Mia: Alright we made it out.
Nathan: Now let's go help Deadpool.
Mia: only problem is how are we going to get there?
Nathan: Lucky for us, I have these.
Nathan held up A pair of car keys.
Mia: Those are Liz's car keys! How did you get them!?
Nathan: right before Liz grounded us, I managed to take her keys and slid them in my pocket. And I also hid my dads car keys so he won't be able find it
Mia: Smart move,
Mia and Nathan walked over to Liz's car and unlocked it causing the doors to open.
"I'll drive!" Mia said as she got in the driving seat while Nathan got into the passenger's seat.
Nathan: Mia you can't drive.
Mia: I do now!
With that Mia started the car. And they drove off.
Nathan: Mia I think we are going to need more allies.
Mia thought about and said.
Mia: Good point.
Nathan: So who should we get?
Mia: we need to get Chloe, Paten, Jocelyn, Jimmy, Brian, Ben, Eric and Thomas
Nathan: let's head to Chloe's house since its nearby
Mia Drove over to Chole's house as she got out of the car and made a ladder out of Legos she brought with her near Chole and Paten's room.
Mia: I'll get Chloe you get Paten.
Nathan agreed as he made a ladder out of Legos near Patens room
Chloe was seen sleeping in her bedroom until Mia came up and opened the window silently.
"Psst Chloe." Mia whispered as Chloe woke up.
"Mia what are you doing here?" Chloe asked as she woke up.
Mia: I came to get you for something.
Chloe: what is it?
Mia: I'll explain later let's get you out of here. Get dressed and meet us
Chloe nodded as she got dressed and climbed down the ladder and followed Mia to the car.
Meanwhile Paten was sleeping in her bedroom when Nathan opened the window and snuck in.
"Nathan is that you?" Paten asked as she woke up'
"Yep it's me." Nathan whispered.
Paten: What are you doing here?
Nathan: I Came to bust you out. And we could use your help. Get dressed and meet us outside. But be careful not to wake your parents
Paten nodded, when Nathan left down the ladder she got dressed and climbed down the ladder. Paten followed Nathan to Mia and Chloe near Liz's car.
Chloe: Wait... How did you get your mom's car?
Mia: Nathan managed to snag the car keys before we got grounded.
Paten: Awesome.
Mia: Now get in!
Chloe and Paten entered the car and they sat in the back row while Nathan closed the door, while Mia got in the driver's seat
Paten: Wait... you drive?
Mia: Ergh... I guess you could say that.
then Mia started the car and drove off.
Paten: so who should we get next?
Mia: Brian and Ben.
Chloe: well let's head over there.
With that said, Mia drove over to Brian and Ben's house
5 minutes later they arrived at Brian and Ben's house,
Mia: Ok here's the plan, Nathan and Paten will get Ben while Chloe and I will get Brian. But let's be careful not to wake up their parents.
With they dispersed and headed to side window
Nathan made a ladder out of Lego bricks. And then climbed up the ladder into Ben's room where he was sleeping.
Nathan: Psst Ben.
"Nathan why are you here?" Ben asked as he woke up
Nathan: we came to ask if you want to come with us to help Deadpool.
Ben: Can't, Brian and I got grounded.
Paten: well aren't your parents asleep?
Ben: Yes?
Nathan: Well this could be your chance to sneak out.
Ben: That's actually a good point. Okay I'll join you. But first I got to go get dressed.
Nathan: Ok meet us down near the car.
Ben nodded as the 2 kids left by climbing down the ladder.
Ben got dressed the he climbed down to ladder to meet up with the 2 kids.
Meanwhile Mia and Chloe went to the other side of the house and built a ladder of Legos.
Brian was seen sleeping in his room when Mia opened the window.
"Mia is that you?" Brian asked as he woke up.
Mia: Yeah it's me. I came to bust you out.
Brian: so you came to our house for me?
Mia: Yep but there's no time to explain. Get dressed and meet us outside.
Brian: Gotcha.
Brian got dressed and climbed down the ladder
Brian and Ben meet up with the 4 kids as they stood near Liz's car.
Brian: How did you get Liz's car?
Nathan: I stole her car keys before she grounded us.
Ben: That's so cool. I wish I can do that.
Mia: Well get in!
The 6 kids entered Liz's car and Mia got into the driver's seat.
Brian: Since when can you drive?
Mia: I took driving lessons from racing games at the arcade.
Ben: That's sounds reasonable.
With that said, Mia started the engine and drove off.
Several minutes later, Mia and her friends arrived at Jocelyn's house.
Brian: you guys stay here, Ben and I will get Jocelyn.
Brian and Ben closed the car door and went to Jocelyn's room near her window by making a ladder full of Legos.
Jocelyn was seen sleeping in her room when she woke up and saw Brian and Ben.
Jocelyn: Brian and Ben?
Ben: Yep it's us.
Jocelyn: What are you doing here? Its 10 o clock at night.
Brian: Long story but right now we gotta get you out of here.
Jocelyn: Wait what's going on?
Ben: No time get dressed, and meet us outside.
Jocelyn got dressed and climbed down the ladder and followed Brian and Ben to Liz's car.
Jocelyn: So this is our ride?
Brian: Yep
Jocelyn: only question is...who's driving?
Mia: That would be me.
Jocelyn: how did you get this car?
Mia: I stole it from my parents.
Jocelyn: Cool!
Jocelyn got in the van and Mia drove off.
Nathan: Ok the next person we need to get is Jimmy.
One hour later, the gang arrived at Jimmy's house where Jimmy was waiting for them.
Jimmy: Your right on time.
Chloe: How did you escape from you our room?
Jimmy: I opened my window, got dressed, and waited for you outside.
Paten: smart move Jimmy.
Jimmy: So who's driving?
The car's window slid down as Mia said
"That would be me"
Jimmy: How old are you?
Mia: Um... 13?
Jimmy: How can a kid like you drive!?
Mia: I told Brian and Ben, I took driving lessons from arcade games. Now get in.
Jimmy got in the car and shut the door and Mia drove off.
Then they arrived at Thomas's house.
Mia: I'll go get Thomas.
Mia gets out of the car and climbs up to the roof and quietly opens Thomas's bedroom window.
Thomas wakes up from sleeping.
Thomas: Mia what are you doing here?
Mia: No time for that, get dressed and meet me outside.
Thomas got dressed and heads outside without waking up his parents.
Thomas then meets Mia outside.
Thomas: How did you get Liz's car?
Mia: I stole it.
Thomas gets in the car as Mia starts the engine and then drives off.
Thomas: So where are we going?
Mia: We're going to the Milestones day school to assist Deadpool.
As Mia was driving on her way to Deadpool's location, Nathan looked out the window and someone was driving behind them.
Nathan: Guys, we got trouble!
The car then came to Mia's side, which just so happens to be Liz Johnson
Liz: Mia pull over immediately!
Mia: Why should I?
Liz: I'm wont ask the second time.
Mia: Hmm... No.
Mia then drove past Liz as Liz growled she drove faster
Ben: We have to lose her!
Jimmy: But how there has to be a way to slow her down.
Jocelyn then came up with an idea
Jocelyn: I got this Hot potato bomb I made in science class.
Paten: That should be enough to slow her down.
Jocelyn then threw the bomb at Liz which slightly burns her but then she disarms it and laughs at Mia. But Mia points her finger in front of her meaning "eyes on the road." Liz then looked ahead as her car was about to be hit by a truck but she slammed on the brakes stopping her car in time.
Mia and her friends then stuck out their tongues and did a loser sign at Liz
Liz then yelled " MIA!!! You won't get away with this!!
Mia and friends exchanged hi-fives from their achievements
Ben: That takes care of that.
Chloe: Hope we don't see her again.
"We're here." Mia said as they arrived at the school.
Flashback ended
Mia: And that's how we got here.
Deadpool: That was a great story.
Nathan: So where's Zeus?
Jerry: He's at the Best Western hotel.
Paten: Then let's head over there.
The 13 heroes then ran over to the Best western hotel where several guards are patrolling so they hid behind the hill
Paten: OK Deadpool, what's the plan?
Deadpool: Alright, Jerry, Mia, Nathan, Thomas, Jocelyn, Chloe and I will head to the east of the building while Chloe, Paten, Brian, Ben and Jimmy will head west. And we will meet each other inside, And Guys, try not to get caught.
With that they dispersed.
With Deadpool and his group, they ran to the east of the building and saw several guards patrolling.
Jocelyn: How are we suppose to take them out?
Deadpool: Jerry, You still have that Greek Pizza right?
"Yep got it right here." Jerry said as he held the pizza up.
Deadpool: Then let's use it on those guards.
Jerry: Gotcha.
Mia: I doubt that it's going to work.
Jerry then attached the pizza to a string and threw it at the guards.
Guard 1: Oh my god is that pizza!?
Guard 2: Let's get it!
The guards chased after the Pizza as Jerry pulled it towards him. And when the guards got it Deadpool knocked them out.
Mia: Wow. Guess I was wrong.
Deadpool: Well let's get going.
Deadpool and his group opened the side entrance to the hotel where they met up with the others in the lobby.
Deadpool: Hey you caught up with us.
Ben: Yeah we sure did.
Jerry: So how did you get in?
Jimmy: I knocked the guards out with my Baseball bat.
Brian: Ok What's our next plan?
Deadpool: OK we are going to spy on the soldiers for what their plan is.
Paten: I found this air vent.
Deadpool: That could work for spying
Chloe: Yeah but, who's going to go in there
Everyone looked at Nathan.
Nathan: Why me!?
Mia: Your the smallest Nathan.
Nathan: Ugh... fine.
Nathan opened the air vent and crawled and saw Zeus talking to his minions about their plan.
Zeus: I grow tired of Deadpool defeating my godly allies and soldiers. Once we defeat Deadpool we will claim the Milestones day school and make the students and teachers our slaves.
Soldier: But how will Deadpool get to you though?
Zeus: He'll never get me in the swimming pool area on the second floor and also I turned on the power to the hotel making it impossible for him to use the elevator
Nathan was shocked by this, he had to tell this to Deadpool.
Deadpool: Well what did you see?
Nathan: I saw Zeus talking to his soldier and he planning on taking the school over and turn the students and staff his slaves!
Chloe: We can't let that happen! Where is he?
Nathan: he's at the swimming pool area. On the second floor but the elevators are sealed shut.
Mia: but how do we unseal then?
Ben: We can find a way to shut down power to the entire building, that will force a system reset bringing power back to the elevator, which should be downstairs in the emergency room.
Jimmy: Like this guy, we should keep him around.
Deadpool: To maintenance!
Deadpool and his allies headed for the emergency room downstairs and they found it.
Deadpool: Allow me.
Deadpool then pressed the power off button that caused the security frame to be deactivated.
Deadpool: Alright let's head to the elavator.
Deadpool and his allies ran to the elevator and Brian pressed the floor 2 button and the elevator doors closed and they waited.
While they waited, Deadpool's favorite song came on.
Deadpool: Hey! This is my jam!
Brian: You can't sing.
Deadpool: Crazy. I'm crazy for feeling... so lonely.
Mia: I didn't know Deadpool can sing.
Deadpool: I'm crazy. I'm crazy for feel-
Then the doors stopped at floor 2
Deadpool: This must be our stop.
the doors opened at floor 2 and the heroes got out of the elevator.
Brian: Alright let's head over there.
The 10 heroes left for the swimming pool until they saw a bunch of guards guarding it
Guard 1: Halt!!
Deadpool and his friends stopped to where they are.
Guard 2: we will not let you go any further.
Jocelyn: I guess the only way in is through them.
Mia: Now your talking, Let's take them out.
Deadpool and allies took out their weapons and charged at the guards
Deadpool took out some of the guards with his forks, Jerry shot a "Just do it" bullet from his Meme Blaster which knocks them out, Jimmy tossed some baseball bombs in the air and hits them with his baseball bat at the guards knocking them out. Mia took them out with a her bow and Arrow, Nathan took them out with his Nerf guns, Chloe took them out with her energy blasts. Jocelyn took them out with her shield. Paten took them out with her Toy fan. Brian and Ben took them out with their combination attack.
Deadpool: Whew..! Finally that's the last of them.
Brian: Now let's go get Zeus.
They ran toward the door but it is sealed shut.
Then Zeus's voice was heard in a speaker.
Zeus: So you made it to my hideout, however you will never get me when I'm in this impenetrable room
Deadpool: I like to test that theory. Hmm... How much C4 is this going to take?
Brian: No more then 20 ounces.
Deadpool: What? Gah! I hate the metric system how much in American?
Brian: Let's see carry the seven uh...
Deadpool: Dude forget math just use all of it.
Deadpool then sets all of his C4 on the door.
Deadpool: Take cover!
Deadpool and his allies stepped back as the C4 blew up breaking down the impenetrable door.
Deadpool: Alright! Let's finish this.
Deadpool and his allies approached Zeus.
Deadpool: Alright Thor, It's just you and us now.
Zeus: So you finally arrived.
Deadpool: that's right and we are here to end your reign of terror.
Zeus: is that so? However I am only interested...
Zeus snaps his fingers a new impenetrable door appeared, locking and separating Deadpool and his allies
Zeus: in you.
Deadpool: What the-? what did you do!
Zeus: You do not need allies to face me. You will face me alone.
Deadpool: Alright fine, for the sake of all of the students, teachers and my friends, you will fall by my forks!
Deadpool took out his forks and charged toward the thunder god.
Zeus fires his lightning bolts while Deadpool dodges them by teleporting and hits Zeus with his forks.
Deadpool: Hah!!
Zeus was now angered as he throws more lightning bolts but Deadpool continues to dodge them by teleporting.
"Missed me!" Deadpool said while teleporting.
"I. HATE. YOUR." Deadpool said in each word while teleporting.
"Dumb face" Deadpool said from behind.
Zeus the grabs Deadpool and proceeds to throw him not before time stopped as Deadpool looked at the camera.
"Remember kids... If your about to be slammed by a god..." Deadpool said before he shrugged.
Time then resumed and Deadpool was thrown near a wall as Zeus approached him.
Zeus: You have lost mortal. Prepare to die.
Deadpool: WAIT!!! Before you kill me, I just want to tell you something.
Zeus: What.
"You look like a good person. How about a truce?" Deadpool said as he held out his hand.
Zeus: Fine.
Zeus then took Deadpool's hand only to be electrocuted.
Zeus: What was that!?
Deadpool: well Zeus you got electrocuted by my hand buzzer.
Zeus: Die!!!
Deadpool: Eek!
But then time stopped yet again.
Deadpool: Huh? Hello! What's goin on? The series is locked up Hah! I don't believe it! What is this some sort of Test department's day off or something? Hmm... This give me an idea!
Deadpool walked toward the screen and knocked on it saying.
Deadpool: Um... Hello. If there are any software engineers that can hear me just type something in.
The screen then types in "Hello.
Deadpool: ok Hello. Right here's the plan, I won't tell anyone there's been a lockup quite a bad one left in the series. If you will say... I don't know, help me out with this guy here what do you say?
The screen then types in "Err... Ok"
Deadpool: Ok. Now get rid of this background.
The background then becomes blank as screen then types in "How's that?
Deadpool: Yep. That's better. What about a weapon that could take down Zeus?
A giant sword then appears in front of Deadpool as the screen says "No problem"
Deadpool: Is this the Blade of Olympus!? This will be great for taking down Zeus! Now then take me back to where we left off.
The screen then types in "OK"
The background then turns back into the swimming pool.
Deadpool: Alright on my mark and not a moment sooner... 3... 2... 1... And action!
The screen then unpaused as Zeus looks around being all confused like then Deadpool whacked Zeus with the Blade of Olympus.
Zeus: Impossible... How did you acquire that sword!?
Deadpool: Don't know. I think I just used my imagination. Now then time to finish you.
Deadpool takes out his ultimate weapon. Which is!!!!!! A vacuum cleaner...
Deadpool: Now prepare to get vacuumed!!!
Deadpool turns on the vacuum cleaner and sucks up Zeus.
Deadpool: Now return to the heavens from whence ye came!
He then shoots him out of the vacuum into the horizon. Then he looks at the audience and said.
"That was the most... AWESOME FIGHT I HAVE EVER DONE!!!! Good thing the readers recorded everything."
Deadpool takes the recording camera from the readers and then takes out his Chromebook and uploads it on YouTube as he said
"I'm soooo posting this on YouTube"

Deadpool The Greek God SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now