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swimming isn't necessarily san's best feature, but he's not exactly bad at it either. so he'd figured that the weather today would be perfect for a day at the beach.

so now he was standing outside of his best friend's dorm, waiting for the male to open the door.

"mingi open the fuck up!" he yelled, adding a few more knocks. after a good two minutes, he was met with the tired face of his friend. "you look like you just crawled out of your grave. anyways, c'mon let's go!"

the younger nodded and led san to his car. he was walking almost like a zombie, causing san to giggle and show off his cute smile.

"shut up. you're not the one who was woken up at seven in the morning to go to the beach when you don't even wanna go." mingi groaned.

san pouted and opened the door to the passenger seat, sliding himself in. soon they were driving off to the beach. it was only about five minutes away from their college but neither of them wanted to walk.

once they arrived mingi lightly pushed san to the side, "we're here bitch." he said, trying his best to sound mad.

he quickly jumped out and threw his shirt off. "BEACH!!!" he yelled, running towards the ocean. his friend chuckled and followed behind him.

once he finally caught up to san he scolded the older to put sunscreen on. "but i hate it! it's so icky and weird." san complained, pushing mingi away from himself.

"my grandma got skin cancer from not putting it on. so, since i don't want my best friend having to get pieces of his face burnt off, i want you to put it on."

san shook his head violently and ran away, so he left mingi no choice but to chase him. the brown haired male squirted a ton of sunscreen into his hands and began chasing the other boy. "no! stop!" san said along with giggles.

once mingi was close enough he began chucking the substance onto his friend's back and arms, forcing him to have to rub it in one way or another.

san groaned and stopped for a moment to try to get the sunscreen off of himself, but mingi grabbed him and began rubbing it in, adding some onto his legs as well.

"you're too good of a friend and i hate it. now get off me i wanna go in the water!" san spoke.

the blonde then ran off into the ocean, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore was music to his ears.

he ran deep into the ocean quickly, not wasting a second. "wait for me!" he heard his friend call from far off in the distance. there weren't many people there, so it wasn't all that hard to hear the sound of mingi's voice.

the only people other than them were a family of four, a couple, two people who seemed to be best friends, and a group of siblings, along with the lifeguards that were watching over everyone.

san stopped in his steps and waited for mingi to catch up, moving his hand forward and back to signal the other to hurry up.

once they were back together mingi pushed san under the water, laughing as the older struggled to get free. and when he did, he came up coughing and pushing his hair out of his face.

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