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san walked up to wooyoung and instantly questioned him. “what the hell just happened?” he asked with his arms crossed. wooyoung quickly turned his head towards the older and stilled.

“if you saw why are you asking me?”

“yeah, well i heard too.” at this, the younger male gulped and started playing his his fingers. he didn't want to explain, because it hurt. everything involving hongjoong hurt.

he didn't want to keep anymore lies from the boy standing in front of him, yet he hadn't known him long enough to even tell him all of these things.

but he felt it'd be best if he just told the truth. it'd make everything easier. so he eased himself and began.

“joongie stop that!” wooyoung scolded his best friend whom had now taken ten shots. “shut up woo... another one please!” the older shouted to the bartender.

“hongjoong that's too much!”

“wooyoung shut the fuck up will you? i'm done hearing your shit!” he snapped. the younger felt tears pricking his eyes. hongjoong had never spoken to him in such a rude manner.

“joongie...” he mumbled.

the red haired male smirked and gripped wooyoung by the collar, throwing him against a nearby wall.

“shut. the. fuck. up.” he said in-between the kisses he was giving wooyoung. “g-get off me joong! please! stop it!” his friend cried from underneath him. “shh... be quite, pretty boy. you have no idea how long i've wanted to do this.”

“hey, get off of him!” a nearby voice shouted. wooyoung instantly recognized it as yunho and began screaming for his best friend to save him.

“yunho! yunho help! g-get off me hongjoong! yunho!” he yelled.

yunho tried everything to pry the male off, but he wasn't strong enough. and clearly nobody near by cared enough to help. an idea then struck wooyoung and he was quick to put it into action. he grabbed hongjoong's wrists and bent them backwards, proceeded to kick him square in the dick, and then punch him across the face. it worked, but it definitely riled the older up.

“so you wanna play games woo?”

he grabbed wooyoung and crashed him against the floor, throwing a harsh blow to his stomach. he then picked the boy up and tossed him back down so that his head hit the tile below.

after this, he punched him repeatedly on the face. he didn't stop until the boy was a bloody mess and had bruises all over.

meanwhile, yunho was crying on the side because he felt horrible. horrible for not being able to help, and horrible for the state of his best friend.

luckily this caught some attention and a group of three men came rushing to help. they introduced themselves as namjoon, yoongi, and hoseok. they were pretty close friends with yunho now, but not so much for wooyoung.

they day after that hongjoong saw wooyoung in the halls at school and attempted the same stunt, resulting in him getting suspended from school.

wooyoung never saw him again after that. well, that is until the older joined the lifeguard job.

ever since then the job has been hell. but yunho makes sure hongjoong gets nowhere near him.

once he finished explaining, he could see the worry in san's eyes. he didn't get to see for long though, because soon the older had his arms wrapped around him and his head resting on his shoulder.

this felt oddly comforting to the younger. he'd never felt comfortable in someone else's grasp before, but this- this felt good.

he slowly wrapped his arms around san in return, practically melting in his touch. meanwhile mingi and jongho were fanboying in the distance.


after their long hug, san decided it was best if he and his friends headed home. so he waved goodbye to wooyoung and went on a search for his friends, they weren't hard to find though since they'd been standing in plain sight while they watched the events unfold.

“c'mon guys, let's go. i'm tired.” he mumbled with a yawn. not even bothering to listen for their responses, he started walking away.

“hey wait!” mingi and jongho called in union, which resulted in a fit of giggles.

san rolled his eyes and continued to act as if they weren't there. he already knew that if he engaged in conversation with them they wouldn't leave him alone about the wooyoung thing. they were too into the thought of wooyoung and san being a couple and it was quite annoying.

they didn't even know eachother that well? well maybe that's not 100% true but... “so san~” jongho began.

the oldest of the three walked faster than he had originally been and quickly walked out the door, shutting it in their faces. nope, not today guys.

he stopped in front of mingi's car and sat on the back while he waited for them to catch up.

after about a minute his friends showed up and mingi unlocked the car. san hopped in the back and then stared into space as he recalled the previous events. “someone's happy.”

“shut up mingi!”

“so are you guys a thing?” mingi asked. “we barely know eachother mingi! shut up! no, we're not okay?! jeez man.” san let out with a scoff.

the next day at school san tried to avoid wooyoung as best he could. it sounded stupid but he didn't wanna face the pretty boy who made his heart flutter.

well, his plan was to ignore him the whole today. but it seems like things can never go the way you want them to because something is always bound to happen and mess you up.

san was just minding his business and walking down the hall when he heard a familiar scream. way to familiar. it could only be one person, wooyoung.

he went searching for the place the voices were coming from and soon found wooyoung being pinned against the wall of an empty classroom.

he went bursting in and pulled the furious hongjoong off his friend. “get off m-me!” the older snapped as he squirmed about.

san gripped him by the back of his shirt and yanked him to the opposite side of the classroom and banged his head against the wall. he wouldn't let him hurt wooyoung again.

“stay away from him? you hear me?” he deadpanned. the brown haired male nodded slightly and pushed san off himself so he could walk away.

after he was gone the younger came running up to san and wrapped him in a big, warm, hug.

they then spent the rest of the day together. oops.

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