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the next day san waited outside of
wooyoung's dorm patiently. he wanted to surprised him and treat him to a cinnamon roll and some milk, which he was currently holding.

he'd received the information of wooyoung's dorm number from yunho. after a lot of begging, that is.

he knew it wasn't a lot, but he wanted to show the boy that there was other people that cared for him. he'd already knocked a few times, but there hadn't been an answer so he decided to just wait until the other comes out.

after about twenty more minutes the door slowly started to open and out popped the swollen face of wooyoung.

san internally cringed at the state of the younger, but kept a genuine smile on the outside. “i brought you breakfast.” he said softly. wooyoung thanked him and took the plate out of his hands, a huge grin spread across his face.

“w-why?” he questioned.

“dunno. just felt like it. anyways, are you feeling better? do you need anything?” san asked. he wanted to make sure his friend was alright, no, he needed to make sure.

after helping him at the beach and basically saving him from mingyu and the others, he felt he owed him atleast at little bit of help. for anything.

“yeah... there is one thing.”

san perked his head up at this. whatever wooyoung needed, the older was prepared to do it.

it sounded kind of stupid, but he truly wanted to repay his new friend. “yes? what is it?” the male asked. “come inside and talk to me for a little bit? i realised we don't know eachother that well yet.”

san blushed and nodded. so the two ended up sitting on a small sofa together and asking simple questions such as what their favorite colors are, what their favorite foods are, what their favorite animal is, and so on.

even though they weren't sharing anything personal, it felt like they knew every detail about eachother. oh boy were they wrong though.

it kept going like this for another hour or so. that is until san asked wooyoung a rather sensitive question.

“why do your parents hurt you so much?” he asked, instant regret hitting him straight afterwards. wooyoung tensed and the memories of his earlier years began flooding through his mind.


“m-mom! dad! i think i've realized something.” wooyoung shouted as he ran to the kitchen. his parents both shown him big bright smiles as he sat across from them at the dinner table.

“yes my favourite boy?”

“i think... i like girls and boys!” he exclaimed. he was only twelve at the time, and very happy he'd discovered that weird feeling he'd been having towards both genders. “i think it's called being b-bisexual!”

his parents were always so excepting. when he asked to do ballet, they signed him up for lessons. when he wanted to play with barbie dolls, they let him. surely this couldn't be bad, right?

they'd just accept it like it was nothing, wouldn't they?

but no. everything changed since that day. “i knew we shouldn't have let him do that dancing! if only you hadn't cried when trying to convince me!” his father snapped. “and you let him get the barbie house too! do you realized what this had done jae-eun?!”

“i didn't expect that he'd turn into a-a fag! i just thought it was a faze. like the one your brother went through!” his mother shouted back.

a harsh slap was heard throughout the room, and wooyoung was left with a red mark across his cheek.

tears welled in his eyes, he'd never been hit before. and he'd never expected to be hit either. maybe if he just like the opposite gender like a normal person. then maybe this wouldn't have happened.


the younger shook his head gently. he couldn't bring the topic up without getting teary eyed. his parents who'd once loved him so much, now beat him to a pulp.

it's crazy how quickly things can change, and wooyoung learned to never trust anyone. so he has major trust issues now. that's part of why yunho is his only friend. he'd been his friend since birth, and he was the only person he could rely on.

he didn't even know if he could trust san, honestly. the boy seemed genuine, but then again, so did his parents.

it's things like that, that can truly ruin your life. and that's the sad reality of everything.

there was a lot more to his story as well, but why tell someone he couldn't put full trust into yet? not even yunho knew everything about him. it a hurt to much to bring up at all.

even the memories of it were instantly pushed away when thought of. sometimes he'd have nightmares of it and would wake up in a cold sweat.

all he really wanted was someone to hug all night while crying his eyes out whenever he recalled his memories. but he knew that with the issues he has, that'd never happen.

how could it? he couldn't possibly commit to a relationship of any kind. he'd be too worried and possibly get even more worried about everything.

so now he was stuck, he couldn't decide if he should let the pretty boy from the beach into his life or not.

getting feelings for anyone would be far to risky, that's for sure.

so he decided that all their talking should be done for today. he made up the excuse of having to do a lot of work, and sent the boy off. san of course sensed something was up, but let the boy be.

so now wooyoung was left alone and buried in his thoughts. he needed to text yunho and talk to him. at this point that boy was his only bit of comfort.

but little did he know how drastically all this would change. how everything he thought about trust and feelings would come back for him.

he had no idea.

A/N: thank you so much for #5 in woosan! i'm genuinely so thankful and never thought my book would get this kind of achievement. thank you! 🖤

 thank you! 🖤

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