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a couple days had passed since san had been in wooyoung's dorm.

“i don't get it. why'd you make him leave?” yunho asked, swirling his fork full of spaghetti in his hands. he said he'd take wooyoung out to his favorite restaurant to make him feel better, but it wasn't really working.

“i think it's time i tell you...” he began. he decided it was best if the rest of his past was told.

“tell me what?” the older questioned.

“when i was around sixteen i had my first boyfriend. he was really nice at first. he always made sure i was eating and sleeping properly. always asked if i was doing okay. even told off my parents once. but then he became friends with t-these people. they were s-scary. always wore black and spiky clothing. and then something in him changed. he slowly became more abusive. he'd slap me, punch me, kick me. he even started smoking cigarettes and would use those to burn me. and he started making me do sexual stuff with him when i wasn't r-ready. when i tried to break up with him he wouldn't let me. said i'd regret it later on. then he made me stay in his house for the next two days without leaving at all, not even to go to school. then when i finally got to leave, i ran away and never went back.

yunho was at loss for words. he couldn't believe that all that happened and he'd never known. he knew the younger had a boyfriend at that time, but never did he show any signs of being uncomfortable.

“w-why didn't you tell me? i could've helped you get out of that situation y'know!” yunho spoke.

“he said if i told anyone there'd be consequences. and usually when he said that he'd mean beating me till i was drenched in blood and couldn't stand without help. so...”

yunho sighed. he really didn't know what to say. no wonder the boy had such bad trust issues. not only did his parents change in the blink of an eye, so did his boyfriend. he wondered what else had happened to the boy that he hadn't yet been told about.

“i-i'm so so so sorry woo.” he mumbled.

“it's okay, it's not your fault yunnie. now let's finish eating. also- could we get ice cream after? pleaseee~”

the older pinched wooyoung's cheeks and smiled, “of course. how could i say no to that face?” at this, the younger squealed and let out a string of 'thank you's.' he always acted like a little kid around his hyung.

although they were receiving a lot of weird stares, the two ignored it and continued to laugh.

so after they finished their food they headed to the ice cream store across the street. as soon as they entered they both instantly regretted it. there stood san, mingi, and a boy they'd never seen before. just as they turned around to leave, they were spotted. shit.

“wooyoung! yunho!” san called.

both reluctantly turned around to the cheerful san and faked smiles. wooyoung didn't want to be around the boy simply because his feelings had been growing little by little, and he didn't trust him. nor did he trust anyone that wasn't yunho.

“t-this isn't the place we were looking for... oops, c'mon woo-” yunho began. but san was quick to invite them to sit with him and his friends.

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