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mingi, jongho, and san were all gathered in san's dorm while the male kept making them try on different clothes for the party. “mingi, add this choker and then i think you'll be good!”

mingi let out a loud sigh and harshly grabbed the lace choker out of san's hands. he had already tried on tons of different clothes and accessories and was completely done with it.

“jongho- maybe this turtle neck will suit you better than that-” san began.

“no! you've already me try on a turtle neck that's a slightly darker color than that one and said it looked bad! my outfit right now is fine!”

san rolled his eyes and nodded in defeat. they all seemed to be ready to go now. san wearing a plain black shirt with a leather jacket and black jeans, along with a plain black choker and smoky eye makeup. jongho with a black and white striped turtle neck, blue jeans, and a white and silver jacket. then mingi who had a lace choker, a blue denim jacket, a black turtle neck, and blue jeans.

mingi then led the other two to his car. so, then started the five minute car ride which consisted of jongho singing to a miley cyrus song at the top of his lungs while san kept telling him to shut up. all while mingi drove like nothing was happening at all.

once they arrived the oldest of the three scolded them to 'be cool' before they got out of the car.

they all walked up to the front door and rung the doorbell, patiently waiting for someone to open the door. after a few seconds they were met with the face of yeosang. “who are you guys?” he questioned skeptically.

“wooyoung said we could come.”

the older boy nodded and turned away to call wooyoung. being completely honest, he looked quite hot. his hair was curled on the sides and he wore a black and red jacket atop his red and black printed shirt. all paired with some long earrings and black jeans.

and san swears that once wooyoung came his heart started beating twenty times per second. he looked stunning.

his black hair styled, his eyes lined with dark makeup. his sparkly silver jacket resting atop his golden shirt. his skinny jeans showing off his thighs and ass perfectly.

san was so busy focusing on wooyoung that he didn't even notice the younger was giving him complete heart eyes. meanwhile yeosang, mingi, and jongho all found this quite amusing.

“earth too wooyoung and san~” jongho said while clapping.

both boys snapped out of their transe while their cheeks turned bright red. “c'mon inside guys.”

as soon as they got inside mingi and jongho ran to join a game of truth or dare, and yeosang went to grab some beer. so basically wooyoung and san were completely alone. well- except for the couple making out on the couch near them, but we won't talk about that.

“um... wanna get some drinks?” wooyoung asked awkwardly.


they walked to the mini bar together and both got some drinks, downing them immediately. wooyoung surprisingly drank quite often. this was mainly due to everything that'd happened to him in the past few years and ever since he started it became a habit to rid the pain.

san however was never the type to drink often. however, he did drink every few months.

neither talked, just silently enjoyed each other's company amidst the blaring music.

but after a couple minutes san finally spoke up. “this is more like a party then a get together.”

“i know. yeosang likes to spice things up. i swear that bitch doesn't know how to be normal. oh well, parties are fun don't you think?” wooyoung replied. san simply shrugged, “i mean i guess so.”

“y-you look nice by the way. never got to tell you that...”

san blushed and instantly looked away. he wanted to say the same back to the younger, but decided it'd be best to keep his mouth shut. “thanks.”

soon after some drunk dude came wobbling up to the pair. “wooyoung my bro~” he slurred. he had brown hair and a long mullet. interesting. “hongjoong, what's up? haven't seen you in awhile. you always make excuses to not come to work.” wooyoung replied quite flatly.

“i have my reasons. anyways, got yourself a cute boy here huh?” the older spoke, making wooyoung snarl under his breath. hongjoong had never necessarily been his favorite person.

“first of all, watch yourself. second of all, no, he's not my boyfriend.”

“why not? y'all would be really cute together. but i mean i'll take him if you don't want him. he's quite attractive, wouldn't you agree?”

wooyoung rolled his eyes and whispered for san to leave. hongjoong wasn't normally a great person, and his drunken state just made him even worse.

san whispered an okay back and went to look for his friends. he figured he should scold them for leaving him alone.


as soon as san left wooyoung grabbed hongjoong by the collar and pushed him against a stool. “shut the fuck up. you need to learn to watch yourself around people you don't know. you were a decent person once, joong.”

“once huh? you're still made at me. c'mon it wasn't that bad! you're just a butt hurt little bitch!”

“yes! that wasn't bad, really? i swear if you even get near san in the same way you did to me i won't hesitate to beat your ass. just like you did to me.”

“really now? your weak ass could never. i'd like to see your little fist do any tiny bit of damage.”

wooyoung smirked and threw a hard punch towards hongjoong's chest. the older stumbled backwards, but was quick to attack wooyoung back.

this went on and on until yeosang showed up and pulled the duo apart. “i didn't invite you hongjoong. get out. now.” yeosang growled.

the brown haired male rolled his eyes and walked out. he had more drinks at home anyways.

little did wooyoung know that san had been watching the whole entire thing. now he had even more questions. it was clear that wooyoung's parents and ex boyfriend weren't the only problem's he'd had before.

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