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"Some things are meant to stay buried."

Jaxson Dooley has to walk ten miles just to go to highschool.  His father wanted to send him to a different school then the rest of the people he knew and grew up with. He said he wanted his son to learn how to deal with all different types of people. What he doesn't know is his son has been getting bullied and even though he tries to settle things, it just seems to get worse. What will his father think when he learns that his son has been getting bullied because he thought it was necessary to learn to socialize? What will his friends do when they find out? They're the protective type. They know how there precious Jaxson is. Reserved. Even around family. And that's not how he used to be. He has changed ever since 7th grade. The day he was sent out to another school more than five miles from home.

That's where it all started.... For him...

Felix Campbell was the new student in high school so of course having good looks and making the basketball team starting line up, people are bound to notice. But he harbors a dark secret and he's not there simply for the education. He's on his own mission. Will anyone be able to save him from his past?

Andres Morris is the star of the basket ball team. The popular kid but he's also the school bully. However he only bullies those who he deems stronger than him. Reason being? He has he own secrets. His own secrets as to why he wont date anyone. Or let anyone flirt with him. He's never been in a relationship and if it's up to him he never will. Can you see through his façade? 

Finally Elijah Nelson. He's head over heels in love with Jaxson. But he knows it's not meant to be so he keeps that little secret to himself. However he's not good with keeping secrets. He's not so discreet about it when he watches Jaxson. His friends all know. All except Jaxson himself. He knows there's someone out to love him just as much as he loves Jaxson. He just hopes when it comes to that time that he will love them more instead of Jaxson. Besides he knows Jaxson wont look at him any other way except as a friend. But as long as Jaxson is happy then he's happy. 

Sorry if it's crappy I'm not really good at these.  Please tell me so I can make it better.  But I promise that the story is better than this summary. Just give it a try.


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