Chapter X Felix

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So school had ended and I decided to go straight to the a little place I like to call the Rats Nest. It was basically the black market. You know the one were you have to go through a few alley ways.

Yeah it was about a few miles away from here in the middle of town. It was in the darkest alley down Terrazzo Way. If you don't know someone who knows the place you will definitely get lost. Even if you knew which alley was the right one you wont find The Rats Nest.

It's hidden inside the wall. There's a fake crack in the back of the wall that you have to go through. You follow the crack till your behind the dumpster and there's the small opening. You have to squeeze through. The bigger people usually take the long way around which leads out of town. Or you can take the underground tunnel that leads to the strip club.

Now there's a few strip clubs in town. But you have to know which one. The one that leads to the black market is called Crystal Diamond.

Now once your in The Rats Nest theres a few places to go. Like the massage parlors. If you know what I mean. There's two. I work in the one nicknamed Faithful Brides. The real name is Ryland's Massage Center.

But everyone in the know calls it Faithful Brides for obvious reasons.

It's a Brothel. A place for sex. One night stands. And I work there.

No not like that. Though I used to be someone who was in there for customers satisfaction. Now I work as a seller. I worked my way up as a seller. I'm sixteen and I believe I earned my right here. One of my best friends is a worker not a seller. A worker. Someone for customers pleasure.

In the massage parlors business we are either sellers or workers. That's the code down here. But the catch is everyone that works here is based on willingness only. Weird right?


If you were taken under the wing of Robert, the top dog, you have to work for him. One way or another. There's no way out of it. He gave you a choice from the beginning though. He warned you this was a one way ticket and you had to either agree or disagree.

I agreed. You see my mother was killed in a house robbery. I was in fifth grade then. That was five years ago. He took me under his wing and he raised me. Yes I may live in my own two story house on Main street with the other rich kids but that is not my house. That's his house. He bought it for me since a sixteen year old can't buy things themselves yet.

The organization that Robert runs is called The Jade Diamond Association. We smuggle drugs, weapons, robberies, killings, and massage parlors.

We get a hit list from Rob and he gives it to one of his workers that workers in another club called Twelve Daggers. That's the nickname we call it because the ones who get the hit list work there.

The ones who chose to work for the robbery jobs and that good stuff work in a bar nicknamed Theives Den. That's right you get to choose where to work.

The bar called Kings Arm is drug dealing. But like I said before about the massage parlors. We are more known for them so we have most our people there but we have two. The other one is nicknamed Misty Myer. It's called Catherines Massages.

My best friend Micah works as a worker in the Faithful Brides. Although I'm not his seller. I wish I was. Yes I'm gay but that's not the reason for me wanting him as my worker.

Ok maybe that's half the reason. I'm gay yet I'm in charge of three girls. No guys. At all. Like what's up with that?

Any way the other half of the reason is because he's the only one my age. He was taken in a few years after me. He also can be a seller but he chooses to be a worker.

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