Chapter XII Jaxson

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It was morning and I heard from Mason that Elijah had went out that night to grab a few things. The thing is he never came back.

"Hey guys has anyone seen Elijah?" I asked. In response I just heard a bunch of no's or not since last night.

"Hey Jax what's this about Eli?" Mason asked curiously as he walked in. I was about to answer when I heard one of our pack warriors calling to me saying he was sitting on the couch in the foyer.

I ran to meet him. I was worried sick.

"What the hell Eli?!" I screamed catching a few eyes for a brief seconds. I knew I had gathered the rest of my friends around us.

Elijah did nothing but look up to me. He looked exhausted for one and smelled of sex?

"What were you doing all night long?" I demanded crossing my arms. He just raised his eyebrow at me. "You smell of pheromones. Someone elses. A humans."

He closed his eyes and sighed. "I was out gathering a few items for the pack doctor. She asked me if I could go grab some. I went to the store in town but since I'm only sixteen they wouldn't let me buy any. So I went to the black market to grab some. ... "

"You went where?" I demanded cutting him off.

"The Rats Nest. OK? Now let me finish. ..." He waited to see if I interrupt again. I just nodded. "K. Now. I went to the Rats Nest to grab some. When I smelled my mate." He said with a grin.

I saw Mason's jaw drop along with Jayden's and the others. I couldn't tell why. His birthday was coming up soon.

"And?" I pressed no longer mad but curious and excited.

"He is amazing. The catch? He works in an effing brothel." He said.

"HUH?" Jayden stepped in.

"Yeah. But he's one of the guys at the door. He doesn't work as a sex slave. He's sixteen and yeah he's human." He explained.

"Well what happened? Did you mark him?" Mason asked. He was eager to know. Well he wasn't the only one. I heard a few of the girls standing off to the side start squealing.

"No I cant. He's under strict supervision. But I did leave a very noticeable hickey on him on the spot that I'd be marking him. He's currently passed out. Couldn't keep up with my stamina. I'm surprised he lasted this long." He chuckled at that.

"So let me get this straight. You went to the black market to pick up some illegal herbs or drugs or whatever you needed then went to a sex house, paid a hundred bucks just to fuck your mate?" Jayden asked bluntly. He started laughing hard. "This is rich."

"It wasn't a hundred Jay. It was more. There was no getting out of it. I have never seen him around town so the only place I was able to see him was in the parlor." He said seriously crossing his arms.

"Fine then how much?" Jay asked rolling his eyes.

Elijah sighed deeply before answering. "One k."

Our jaws dropped.

"What the hell?!" Jay asked shocked.

"I told you I cant find him anywhere else. He is my mate I know it. I am not leaving my mate." He stood up. He was offended and I could understand why. He had to pay to see his mate for a few hours.

"I want to meet him." I said catching everyones attention. He looked at me in shock.

"Really?" He asked taken aback.

"Yeah dude I do too." Jay said smiling.

"Sure. But the thing is. I have competition." He said growling a little. I saw Jay frown as well as Mason.

"What do you mean?" I asked seriously.

"There's a guy down there, also our age, that works as a sex slave. My mate said that he was the best they had. Which meant they had fucked already. When I left I told him that my mate wont be walking for a week an he looked jealous. He's my mate yet that guy knows him better and is around him more." Eli said sadly. "I want him out of there."

"We'll get him don't worry." Mason said comforting him.

"Yeah dude no worries." Jay said smiling trying to cheer him up.

"Well since we're waiting for Jax's mate to calm down so he doesn't have a panic attack at the sight of us why don't we head down there to the Rats Nest and observe this mate of yours." David said. Eli smiled brightly at that idea.

"How can we? When I left the head of the whole organization was there at the door. Waiting for me most likely." Eli said.

"Well we can just say were down there for the black market or whatever." I said.

"Yeah and you can point them out to us." Nol said excitedly.

"Yeah guys I don't really remember when it opens but it closes at three am. So midnight should do. That's the time I got there last night." Eli explained. I nodded understanding.

"Great so then it's settled. We'll go to school keep our eyes peeled for Jax's mate. Avoid him at all costs and when we get home train then we can head out to the Rats Nest. Sound like a plan?" Mason said clapping his hands together. We all agreed.

Other then Jayden, David, Asher, Nolan, and Ezra, my gamma Elijah, Delta Daniel, beta mason, lead guardian lucas, and lead hunter michael, a few girls tagged along. Six to be exact. Iris, Rose, Ximena, Leilani, Olivia, and Kylie.

That was our crew. We have sixteen people. That means only ten of us, minus myself, will be going to the Rats Nest. I wasn't going to allow the girls to go down. Not if they cant shift.

We were totally not going to stand out with a group of eleven. 

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