Chapter IX Jaxson

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After I had stormed out of the bathroom I was about a few minutes passing through the parking lot to get home when I remembered that guy in the stall.

My potential mate.

"Damn it." I muttered. I knew Ash and Nol were right behind me.

"What?" Ash said scared.

"What happened?" Nol said confused. They stopped right behind me. I turned around and looked at them before glancing to the side.

How could I forget something that important?! Damn I'm an idiot.

"That guy in the bathroom." I muttered ashamed of myself.

"What about him?" Nol asked  confused. I saw them glance to each other unsure.

"He was having a panic attack." I frowned looking to the ground.

"What?" I heard Ash ask in shock and panic. I knew our little arguement must've made it worse for him.

I glared at the ground. 

How could I forget something that important?!

"Let's go back and make sure hes ok." Ash said gently. I felt his hand on my shoulder getting my attention.  He smiled at me.

I couldn't smile back.  I was too ashamed of myself.

I nodded and followed them back to the bathroom. Took us about five minutes to get there. I saw Ash about to open the door but stopped.

He kept his hand on the handle and listened.  I was confused until I heard it as well.

He was crying. Which made me feel even more guilty.

Damn it!

"Its ok. I'm here now. I won't let anyone touch you. I'll always be here. I'll protect you no matter what." There was another guy in there with him.

He must've called for help.

"Damn! How could I be so stupid!" I whispered angrily.

I saw Ash and Nol look back to me. I could tell they were feeling just as guilty. We all heard it.

He was crying. We really did it now. We had terrified him. And it wasn't because of our growling.  It was because we almost fought.

If he was having a panic attack we only made it worse.

"Let's go. We'll only make it worse." I said depressed. It was my fault.

I had clenched my fists so tight my knuckles turn white. I was so angry with myself for getting so worked up about Jayden and forgetting about the guy in the stall. He was the reason I was in there to begin with.

I looked up to See Ash and Nol nod with solemn looks as well. It wasn't there fault but I could tell they were feeling just as guilty as I was.

I turned and started walking. And that's how it was for two hours until we reached the pack house.

We walked in to see Jayden and David there on the couch. They were waiting for me.

Jayden glared at me for a couple of seconds before David hit him. He must've saw our faces.

That's when Jaydens look turned to one of confusion.  He immediately knew something was up. That something had happened. 

"What happened?" He asked seriously. He stood up and met us as we got to the living room. As David followed.

"We went back to see if the guy in the stall was ok since Jax here said he was having a panic attack." Nol explained looked down.

"And..? Jayden said cautiously.

"When we got there. I was about to open the door when we heard him sobbing. He had called someone for help." Ash said his voice cracking.

"It was all my fault. How could I forget about something that important. " I whispered glaring at the floor. I had shut eyes so tight.

"Oh..." Jayden said slowly. I heard the guilt in his voice.

Man I hated myself for that. I hated myself for making a guy so scared he had to call for help from someone. 

"It wasn't your fault dude. It was me." Jayden said speaking up. I felt a hand on my shoulder and glanced up to see it was his. My eyes had glossed over but no tears were going to leak out. But they sure were leaking on the inside.

"Yes it is. And hes my potential mate." I whispered that last part. I was afraid if I had said it any louder I would let a tear out.

How could I do that to my mate.

Yeah how could you.

You didn't stop me either.

"Oh shit. We messed up big time." David mumbled. I knew that it wasn't there fault but  I knew they felt just as bad. And it made us all feel worse because they just heard he could be the future Luna of the pack. And we messed up. He was terrified of us.

We going to have to work real hard to get him to trust us now.

"He probably wants nothing to do with me now." I whispered.

"If he is the future luna well work on it. He won't reject you. I promise. If we can convince him that were not as scary as we sound then we might have a chance." Jayden said trying to sound positive. I looked up at him with sad eyes.

"He'd make a great Luna." Ash said smiling weakly.

"Ok. I'll try." I gave a weak smile back.

"Did you memorize his scent?" David asked seriously.

"I did." Nolan piped up.

"Yeah I think so." I replied quietly.

"You think so?" I heard Jayden question. I only nodded looking down. I heard him sigh heavily. "Well at least Nol did. He'd have to find him."

"Were going to have to hide from him for awhile. Otherwise we'll scare him away and we dont want that." David said. I nodded and the others agreed. "Ok so its settled then. Well keep our distance but we'll keep our eyes on him. So let's spread out around the school."

"Ok." I said and with that thought we all headed upstairs to drop off our bags and then we headed out to train

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