Chapter III Andres

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It was second period and I was in the B building still.

If there afraid of you they wont touch you.

When I got there I realized I was seated in the middle next to the new kid as Kaden calls him. Yeah he's in here too. Except Kayden is on the other side of the classroom in front. Which was furthest from the door.

"Hey." I heard him say from next to me. In this class instead of individual desks we shared a two man table. Which I don't know why since it was a math class but oh well.

I looked in his direction to make sure he isn't going to try to touch me. If so I would have to be mean. And in all honesty I didn't want that. I hated bullying others. It reminds me of how useless I was back when I was kid when my father was sexually abusing me.

I was weak and stood no chance. He made sure I was alone or every one else was asleep. He would threaten me with killing my brother if I didn't do as he said.

"What do you want?" I asked seriously.

He just smirked at me. He wasn't the least bit intimidated by me. And that started to freak me out. I can feel my heart starting to pump faster.

If he tries to touch me I'll leave.

"I'm Felix. You're Andres am I right?" He introduced still smirking. He held out his hand for me to shake but recoiled slowly once he realized I wasn't going to shake it.


"Yeah what's it to you?" I asked no niceness in my voice. I was still on the defensive. He was smirking at me. Not smiling. Which kept me on my guard.

"Nothing. Just introducing myself. That kid you called Drooley in first. He's cute. Don't you think?" I heard him say. That shocked me to the core. My eyes widened once I realized he might be gay.

I felt my heart beat faster and I could feel my palms getting sweaty. Unknowingly I wiped them on my pants and readied myself to get up and walk out in case he touched me.

"Are you gay?" I asked trying to sound like I wasn't having an internal panic attack.

He just laughed at my comment. "Yeah I am and I won't hide it either. Are you?" He asked leaning towards me.

"No I'm not. Leave me alone." I snapped and walked as fast as I could leaving the classroom but not before getting one last glance from him. I saw him chuckling at my reaction. Which made me frown.

"Andres Morris." I heard from the teacher as I was outside the classroom.

I rolled my eyes cursing as I was stopped. I just wanted to get to the bathroom before my panic attack started to show in front of the others.

"Where do you think your going?" She demanded. She stopped her lecture just to yell at me.

"To the bathroom cant I take a shit in peace?" I asked holding the door. I was turned around glaring at her for stopping me.

I heard the class snicker at my comment. I could tell she was pissed for me making her look stupid in front of the other students.

"Since it's the beginning of the school year I'll let you off with one warning. Next time ask." She said as calmly as she could but I could see it in her eyes. She was furious with me.

I'm sorry.

"Fine. Now can I go?" I asked rolling my eyes to play off that I'm pissed and not panicking.

She nodded and continued on with her lecture. Before I left I glanced over at Kaden to see he was smirking at me. Then to Felix. He was too but not because he knew I wasn't coming back. But because he knew he was the reason I wasn't coming back.

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