Chapter V Jaxson

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"Wow. What's his problem?" Bryee asked watching him storm off. She didn't feel the least bit remorseful. I on the other hand felt a sting in my heart for him.

By the look on his face I could tell that he was suffering from who knows what.

That's when my eyes widened.

Could he have been the one behind the building? By the way he acted I doubt it.

Don't be so naïve. He was nervous about something. Didn't you see it?

Oh yeah... But that could be about anything. Why do you care so much anyway?


"Mmm... " I didn't know how to respond. I didn't want to put him down like I usually did because of what I just saw but I also didn't want to give anything away either. I know how Bryee is. She'll tell Val and they will use it against him.

"So why did you ask him that? Sounds like he didn't like that question." She said a little happy? She was smirking. Which didn't make me feel at ease. Actually that made me feel the opposite.

"Oh.. It was just a question." I said as vaguely as possible.

"Hah well whatever is wrong with him he deserves it." She said laughing. When I heard that I felt sad and hurt. I know he bullied me but seeing that made me think there might be more to his story than just the typical jock.

"uh... why don't we go find Val. I'm starving." I said changing the subject. She hummed in agreement and we took off.

"Val is probably pissed with us. Considering she's been sitting alone for about fifteen minutes already." Bryee said giggling a little.

I tried to keep conversation with her so she wouldn't get suspicious but my mind kept traveling to Andres and the way he stormed off like that. It worried me. As bad as that sounds. Worrying for your bully.

When we finally got our food we sat down on the tables outside in the courtyard under a tree near the stairs. It was our usual spot. The spot with no particular clique.

"Took you long enough! What were you doing making out in the bathroom?" Yup. As I thought she was furious with us.

"No we weren't. Ew." Bryee said making a disgusted face at Val's comment.

Wow. That hurt. Am I really that disgusting?

Mate will like us.

I'm not too sure.

"Anyway we ran into a few problems on the way here." Bryee started. I was hoping she wouldn't say anything about the kid behind the building but that was asking too much. I knew Bryee well enough to know she has no filter.

"Really like what?" Val snapped. She was still mad and has every right to be.

"Well first of all Jax here heard someone hiding behind the B building. Sounded like he was having a panic attack by the symptoms he gave off to me." She said nonchalantly. She wasn't taking this serious and it kind of irritated me.

You can't take something like that lightly. So why was she? Did she not care? Like at all? Didn't she have a heart like the one in seventh grade or did it dissipate?

"Really? Is he ok?" Val asked concerned. At least she still had a heart. Somewhat.

"I don't know. He left by the time we got there. Must be fine if he can leave like that." Bryee answered. Again she said it like she didn't care. I can hear it in her voice. "Anyway on the way here we ran into Andres."

"What happened? Did he say anything?" Val asked getting worked up. She was leaning on the table on the edge of her seat.

"No. Just the usual when I'm around. But get this Jax asked him if he was having problems and he just yelled at us and stormed off." She said excitedly. Val was in shock. She too seemed like she was happy to hear that. They disgusted me when I heard them talking about him like that. He could be going through something serious and there laughing about it.

"No way!" She exclaimed.

"Yup. He deserves it too." Bryee said laughing. Val honestly agreed with her.

"I asked him if something was wrong. Not if he has problems." I mumbled. I had to get it right.

"Same difference." Bryee said rolling her eyes. Val agreed.

I didn't want to be around them any more. So I quickly made up an excuse to leave.

"Hey uh guys... I'm going to go to the bathroom. If the bell rings don't wait up. We don't have anymore classes together so it's ok." I mumbled before grabbing my backpack and trash and headed out of the court yard.

It was half way through lunch so most of the school was hanging around the cafeteria or in the courtyard outside the cafeteria.

I didn't give them a chance to argue before I was out of there line of sight.

Now that I'm alone I decided on trying to find Andres. I needed to make sure he's ok. By the way he stormed off nervously I could tell he wasn't.

I had wandered around for about ten minutes before I found him leaving the V building with Felix and Kaden by his side.

I think it's safe to say he's ok.

I tried to escape there view. Key word tried.

"Oh look it's Drooley and look he's alone." It was Kaden that said that. Surprisingly Andres stayed quiet for once.

He knew why I was there. I didn't have any look of fear in my eyes anymore. Not since I saw him weak himself. He himself knew that I wasn't afraid anymore. Therefore he took a different turn.

"Come on guys. He's not worth it." He said giving me a look of disgust and walking the opposite way from me. Most likely in order to avoid walking by me. But before he was able to walk away I made sure he saw my look of concern.

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