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chapter six—

"That's enough for today, Seokjin-ah. You can go now." His vocal instructor said, pursing her lips as she held the sheet of lyrics in her slender fingers.

Seokjin bit his lips, not having courage to look towards the female. "Thank you Noona. Good night." He bowed for a few seconds before turning to take hold of his backpack and exiting the studio.

He closed the door behind him, swallowing the lump in his throat before moving his feet. It was currently 30 minutes pass twelve in the morning. Exactly 12 hours after his last meal. Why he's out in the morning, he doesn't know why.

He started walking, taking slow steps, dragging his feet against the floor. It was as if he was on autopilot, letting his body memory do the work since his mind didn't seem to be capable of thinking the directions back to their dorm. He had to ponder whether to go back or sleep in the dance studio. He was so drained, he was willing to drop on the hallway floor there and there if he can.

But he knew he can't. He didn't have a phone to inform the others he's be staying, nor is he able to call in an Uber or a company car. The universe didn't seem to be working with him and he bet it was enjoying too much in making him suffer.

He never liked the idea of using up his energy, his mind, on things he wasn't supposed to think of. Mindless thinking. Day dreaming. He wasn't going to waste his last remaining braincells on useless, and most likely not as pretty, thoughts. Not only was it a bother but it was exhausting and tiring to take in a dozen of words, sentences, and paragraphs into his already tired mind.

However, times just come wherein he can't help but let his mind wander off. He didn't have the energy to think of anything, but he didn't have the energy to stop his thoughts. What he knew was that it was slowly draining him more.

He finds himself just outside the building, hands in his pockets. He never liked the cold, that everyone knew about him. It just so happens to be his nonexistent luck that he didn't think of bringing a heat pack or thicker clothes. A thin shirt under an oversized hoodie and a pair of ripped jeans aren't always the best clothes to wear at a zero degree weather.

Rubbing his hands together, trying his slightest to heat up his palms, he exhales into his cupped hands. Bitting his lips, keeping from his teeth visibly shattering. His face started to numb, having force a smile to stretch out his face. He must've looked stupid, but that didn't matter.

He heard rumbling from his stomach, making him flinch slightly. He has yet to get used to constant rumbles.

The next thing he knows, the front door of their dorm is just a feet away from him. How he's there already, he doesn't know and doesn't care. Opening the door, stepping into the dorm, and closing the door behind him caused relief pouring over him.

The closed walls of the entrance felt like a hug, a comforting feeling that he had been craving the entire time. He didn't know when the need started, it just happened out of nowhere.

Stepping further in the dorm, he made out light coming out from the kitchen. Tilting his head in confusion, he raises and eyebrow. It didn't make sense. It was pass midnight, who could've still been up?

Walking with his socks, the floor thankfully warming up his frozen toes, he slips to the kitchen. Hand on the wall, the back of a male was facing Seokjin. Seokjin raises an eyebrow, immediately making out who stood beside the counter.

"Jungkook-ah?" Seokjin calls for the younger. The body freezes at his voice.

He watches the maknae turn around as he shook. Stuffed cheeks and the corner of his lips dusty with what looked like cookie crumbs, Seokjin nearly laughed until he met wet eyes.

don't die yet // kim seokjin //Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora