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nothing changes in this chapter. go straight to the end. i decided to make this an interactive fic since i want y'all to have your happy ending :)) i got the idea from a book i've been reading in ao3 and was like yes this will help me. weekly updates from now on!! i promise that as long as y'all vote and participate, the updates will be weekly!!! let's get it!!!

chapter nine-

It all happened so fast.

Too fast for Namjoon's liking.

"Yoongi-hyung!" Namjoon's head snaps to his left, eyes wide at the sudden yell that he heard loud and clear despite the overwhelming yells of the crowd.

And then, everything went slow.

How he saw Yoongi slowly falling to the ground, the older's knees buckling. His sweaty skin and pale lips behind the tint, hallow cheeks, eyes closed as he drops to the floor.

Namjoon feels the rush of adrenaline pump through his veins, his feet moving on his own towards the older rapper.

"Shit," he whispered lowly to himself, rushing to Yoongi's side.

"Yoongi hyung," Namjoon heard Hoseok choke, already at the elder's side.

Namjoon slid down to his knees, reaching for the face of the other, patting his cheek. "Hyung, hyung." He called desperately. "Yoongi hyung, can you hear me?"

He felt the other members gather, their breaths louder than the crowd's cries.

"Yoongichi." Namjoon looked up to see their eldest across him at the other side of the fallen rapper. He looked down at Yoongi, his already pale skin paler, almost grey.

Yoongi stirred slightly, causing the others to sigh, before finally going limp.

Hoseok looked around, "Where the fuck are the medics?" he cursed. "Can't we take him down already?"

"Even if I know we're supposed to wait for the medic team, we should." Namjoon said. He looked up at Jungkook behind him, the scared face of the younger making him want to hug the maknae right there, right now. "Jungkook?"

Jungkook's eyes widened, hesitating. "What if-?"

"You won't drop him." Jungkook eyed Seokjin. Seokjin lifted his eyes from Yoongi and looked at the youngest. "Come on."

Jungkook nodded while pursing his lips, bending down in front of Namjoon, slipping his arms under his hyung, propping him to get him comfortable.

"Cover him," Namjoon told the others. Immediately, Taehyung and Jimin went to Yoongi's side, all six moving to walk down the stage, leaving the distressed crowd.

They were running to the room, even when the medics greeted them, they left them ignored.

"What happened?" The head staff said when they laid Yoongi on the medical bed that were used only for emergencies.

Taehyung eyed the man, "You want to know what happened? Let me tell you what happened: a member of the group that makes you your money fainted from most likely malnutrition, and sleep deprivation because of your selfish decisions that could cause one of us damage to our bodies. And guess what Sir? YOU'VE SUCCEEDED!"

"Taehyung." Taehyung turned around and saw Jimin looking at him. Seeing t-shirt hang on for dear life on the smaller's frame just made Taehyung angrier.


"Taehyung-ah." Sejin cuts the younger from the door frame, raising a hand. "We'll discuss later. For now, I want all of you to come out of the room. The medics will take over from here."

The look on their faces, their manager knew they didn't want to leave. "There's a crowd of twenty thousand people outside right now, and there's only a few minutes left so might as well finish the concert without Yoongi."

With a sigh, Namjoon stood up, the others following closely, exiting the room not without giving another glance to the unconscious member.

Walking outside, they were immediately bombarded by artists and stylists, retouching their make up, fixing their wardrobe.

Sejin saw their faces, despite having Yoongi attached to an IV drip, he knew the others weren't far from Yoongi's condition. Their make up were the only ones that gave them color, with it off they'd be as pale as Yoongi.


"I know. I'm sorry, you guys." He says sympathetically, eyeing them one by one. He was just their manager. What they didn't know was that his job was one of the hardest. "Just - act naturally. I know you feel bad and out of shape," what an understatement "but I need you all to act okay. Tell ARMY everything is okay, that you're okay," lies "Yoongi is okay." more lies.

Seokjin sighs and everyone turns to him. "We're idols. It's what we do best so it's not a problem." He says before he turns away and heads to the stairs.

Their gaze follows Seokjin's back as it disappears. They see staff members staring at him, one even trying to stop him, "Jin-ssi, you have to wait for the others before going back out." Then they hear his voice in the speakers followed by the screams of their fans.

"I know we aren't all okay," Jimin says, he catches their attention. "but has anyone talked to Seokjin hyung before?"

"He isn't well Jimin-ah," Sejin says, the younger turned to him. "neither are you guys. Like I said, we will deal with this later when Yoongi is conscious."

"Are they ready?" Someone calls for them. They look at each other before they walk to the stairs the eldest disappeared to after what Sejin guessed was a BTS thing he wouldn't understand. Maybe some telepathic thing they grew with as a group.

"Good luck." Sejin yells to them, not feeling offended when Hoseok was the only one to look back and give him a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

He breathes out, closing his eyes for a moment. He'll have to do what he can do. He doesn't know who else he had to see end up fainting.

He doesn't know how much longer he has to see them suffer.

-end of chapter nine

vote for what you want to see for the next chapter! set your vote here! >


1. Seokjin waits for Yoongi's recovery. He has to get the younger's word on this since he fainted because of the extreme diet they were in. He can't go and approach their CEO without Yoongi's consent.

2. Seokjin waits for Yoongi's recovery. He then takes each of the members' word on the situation since they all were struggling. He can't go and approach their CEO without their consent.

3. Seokjin waits for someone else to speak up. He couldn't bring it up since he isn't as affected as the others were.

4. Seokjin waits for Namjoon to speak up. He was the leader after all so he has the authority to address the matter to the CEO.

5. Seokjin waits and does nothing. He can try and monitor the food that comes in their mouths without the staff knowing. He'll try his best to make sure that they eat full meals without the staff figuring out. They may catch up soon but it's better than waiting on the staffs' response.

6. Seokjin doesn't wait. He goes straight to the CEO and address the matter. He was the eldest after all and he couldn't stand seeing the others sad. The CEO always had the final say so he must focus on convincing him.

7. Seokjin doesn't wait. He goes straight to Sejin and address the matter. He was the eldest after all and he couldn't stand seeing the others sad. Sejin understands and sees what their situation is. He would know what to do to help them.

great to be back. i'm sorry for those who had to wait, i'll do my best and i hope you have fun with voting :)))

twt: taejaejae

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