5 year old selfie

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Started by the charity Young Minds UK 'to encourage people to be kind to themselves.'

1) Find a photo of your younger self

2) Write 3 things you'd tell that child

3) Use #5YearOldSelfie

4) Tag 3 friends to help spread the love

Next time you feel down about yourself, remember your message to your #5YearOldSelfie💛


This is so beautiful. It encourages us to think of our life lessons and build up the confidence of our younger selves.

In a way, I believe it's you trying to persuade the younger you to become what you wish you had become- encouraging your 5 year old self to gain skills or traits or stay confident. You may even warn your younger self of pain and friendships- just showing you don't want yourself to go through that pain. You don't want yourself to go through that pain. If you're building a better you by the messages you're sending to the past then what's stopping you from listening to them now?

For example: 'I wish you had stayed best friends with...'

Give them a call!

For example: 'I wish you'd had learnt a new language...'

What's stopping you?

Of course, we all want ourselves to be strong and confident. So since you're trying to build the confidence of your young, vulnerable self... do it to yourself now! Keep telling yourself small messages.

Because when you are 80, what are the messages that you'll send to your now-self? 'Don't listen to the haters' 'get this person out of your life.'

We are trying to exclude negativity, but it also helps us reflect on the past- what went wrong?

Sorry... I may be rambling. But this challenge was too adorable.

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