Chapter 5. Hero in my eyes

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Art not mine

❀Agent 8's pov❀


We walked into Ammo Knights, that's what the shop was called. It was filled with weapons of all sorts of them, I looked at the far range weapons and saw one. "C-Can y-you g-get that o-one for m-me?" I asked Three as I pointed to it.

"Of course!" He smiled and caused me shudder and blush. He grabbed the weapon and I started to observe it. "That my friend is a 52. Gal!" A voice said. I looked to see a yellow creature with goggles.

"I'm Sheldon! I create all the weapons here! And you seem to be interested in the weapon, would you like to buy it?" He explained. I looked at Three and he nodded "yes". "Y-Yes p-please!" I told him as i blushed from shyness.

"Alright lad! That'll be 25,000 coins!" He said as we held his hand out for money. I looked at Three as he was grabbing money out of his pocket. He handed it over to Sheldon but then handed even more!

"Can I also get the Dapple Dualies Nouveau." Three asked, Sheldon nodded as he grabbed a pair and handed them to Three. "Like the dualies Three!" Four grinned as he had a roller. "U-umm, do y-you guys h-have d-different n-names then T-Three and F-Four?" I asked.

"Well we do but let's play some Turf War then we'll tell you!" Four grabbed Three's and my hand then started to drag us to Deco Tower. There were three slots left which was perfect I guess? The teams randomized and the map was called "Snapper Canal".

We spawned and Three was thankfully on my team, I thought I was going to be alone. Four was on the other team and there ink color was purple and ours was Yellow-Green. "Alright Eight, the basics of Turf War is to ink the most Turf and if your tentacles are glowing then that means your special is activated." He explained to me as we ran and inked the Turf.

"R-right!" I shouted and continued to ink the turf like I was supposed to do. I saw Three doing a kind of barrel roll and then splatting someone on the other side- Splatted! I realized I was distracted and was looking at Three.

"Ok you gotta focus!" I told myself and swam in the ink. I then started to go there part of the map but didn't take any notice to see if anybody was following me. I looked as Three splatted another person, he seems amazing in battle...

I was about to turn around as I saw Four right behind me and jumped into the air with us roller and- splatted! I looked and saw Three behind, h-he a-saved m-me!! "Booyah!" He called out as he swam again. "B-Booyah!" I stuttered as I blushed.

I tried to focus the rest of the match but it was so hard because of what Three did for me. At least I wasn't splatted! I then saw Three again and it made me blush a bit, no wonder he is a hero!

"You're a hero in my pure eyes Three...."


Oi! I have uploaded another new chapter, yay in a few minutes or how long did it take me? Oh well but I hope you enjoyed another one of my gayness chapters!

IronicGayOcto be out homie~

Agent 3 X Agent 8 "One of a kind" (Yaoi book)Where stories live. Discover now