04 ˡⁱᵐⁱᵗᵉᵈ ᵗⁱᵐᵉ | "As the Hours Pass."

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Ambrose Jameson | 17 years old | 10/o2/00
Male (he/his/him) | Human | Middle Class
12th grade ( Senior ) | Jackson High School
American ( English ) | Pansexual (sub)

Height 5'3 | Weight 108 | Brown hair
Light pink eyes | No tattoos nor freckles
Very Pale skin | No Earrings / Birthmarks.
Wear Attire : Ambrose usually wears white short sleeves and black leggings. He has a iconic black hoodie that he wears when it too cold out. He doesn't own revealing clothes.

[ PERSONALITY + ATTITUDE ]Personality/Attitude: Ambrose has a positive attiude all the time

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Personality/Attitude: Ambrose has a positive attiude all the time. He is the one to always have a smile on his face no matter what happens. Ambrose loves to share his happy vibes around school. Ambrose is also very innocent, he is unaware of what many things.

Skills/Talents: Ambrose is pretty smart and he has a talent for focusing and blocking stuff out when he studies.

Place/Type of Residence: A house. This is where he loves with his father and his mother. His older brother has his own place and has his own family.

Jim Jameson - Father ( Age 49 )
- Ambrose has a strong connection with his father. His father helps him calm his nerves.

Jennifer Jameson - Mother ( Age 47 )
- His mother occurring left the house and unknown if she will be returning. Jennifer and Jim have problems

Henry Jameson - Big Brother ( Age 28 )
- Ambrose loves his big brother a lot. He just hates the fact that he almost never spends time with him.

** TRIGGER WARNING : If you don't do good with heavy angst plots don't do roleplay**

**REQUIREMENTS : Stay committed if you do roleplay so you can see the whole thing unfolded. This Roleplay does have a Dead End.**

| 1. Warming up |
You have gone through so much as a child which later affected your actions. You started to become a bully in school and pushing others around. Everyone seemed to fear you when they walked down the locker.

However, that all seemed to change once a new student transferred into the a school. Despite all the rumors that were going on regarding you, Ambrose didn't seem to be afraid of you. Ambrose always had a smile and a care free attitude which annoyed you.

English class started as the teacher ended up pairing you together for a month long project. You groaned as you didn't want to work with Ambrose... you would rather have a
anyone than Ambrose. The class laughed since you and Ambrose were literal opposites of each other. Ambrose walked over to you and smiled brightly, "My name is Ambrose. Here's my phone number." He says and hands you the note. "What time is best for us to work on the project?" He asked gazing at you. The class seemed to have their attention on you and Ambrose to see what you were going to do. You?

| 2. Baby sitting isn't so bad |
You were best friends with Henry. You were madly in love with him but Henry ended up falling in love with a woman named Veronica and has two kids with her. Of course, you been heart broken for years because of this and were never able to find anyone else. Deep down, you knew that despite everything that you couldn't get over Henry.

One day you were hanging out with Henry, he asked you if you could babysit his younger brother named Ambrose. You were quick to agree due to the fact that this was a excuse to see Henry more. He explained how Ambrose was gonna be 18 soon and that he was very fragile and needed to be supervised at all times. You took note of that and got the address of the home.

You got to the house and was greeted by Henry's dad who left you with Ambrose as he went to work. He once again emphasized that Ambrose needed to be watched at all times and if anything happened to call. You really didn't overthink this since you knew that they might have been overprotected of Ambrose.

You entered the house and closed the door behind you. You set your things aside and then caught sight of Ambrose. He looked so similar to Henry. Expect, he was smaller, fragile and more pale. Ambrose walked over to you and smiled, "Hey aren't you (Y/N)? My older brother talks about you all the time. It's finally nice to meet you." Ambrose says with a smile gazing at him. You?

| 3. My Best Friend's Boyfriend |
You were quite popular in school. You were the basketball captain and everything just adored you. You had a best friend that was named Jason and you knew him since middle school. You guys were the school's bromance. Jason has been dating this male is named Ambrose for 4 years. They were so in love that they even had a apartment together and even surprisingly married. You were friends with Ambrose but not close. Just the typical how are you conversations.

One day, you walked into the locker room since you needed to put away your gear. It was usually empty when you came into the locker room since you always had to stay extra because you were captain. You suddenly heard someone yelling—it was the voice of Jason.

"Why do you always leave randomly during the day and sometimes at night too?!?" Jason yelled at Ambrose. Ambrose shook his head and walked forward to Jason. "I swear it's nothing like that!" Ambrose argues back before he got roughly slapped by Jason. A dark red slap mark appeared on Ambrose's face. "Are you two timing me you little slut!!?" Jason growls as he backed up Ambrose against the locker. "I'm not like you, you think I haven't—" Ambrose was shouting before Jason leans forward and strangles Ambrose roughly. When he finished he left ugly finger imprints all over his neck. They talked things out. "I'm sorry babe I lost my temper. You just make me frustrated..." Jason says and then kisses Ambrose. "I have to go to work, I'll see you at dinner." Jason states and then waves at Ambrose, exiting the locker room.

Once Jason was completely gone, Ambrose fell down to the floor on his knees. He gripped onto his shirt, specify the area of his heart. Rapid tears began to stream down his face. "Why do you treat me so bad? I'm almost going to be gone, why can't you treat me better?!" Jason says to himself as he was quietly crying. You?

 𝐲𝐚𝐨𝐢 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 [𝕊𝕦𝕓𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕧𝕖]Where stories live. Discover now