05 ᵇᵉᵃᵘᵗⁱᶠᵘˡ ᵖᵒʷᵉʳᶠᵘˡ ʷᵃʳˡᵒᶜᵏ | "Too Much."

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Osiris 'Quilon' Arsenio | 17 years old
Male (he/his/him) | Warlock | Mpreg
Mixed ( English, Latin ) | Homo (Bottom)

Height 5'1 | Weight 110 | Brown hair
Emerald Green eyes | Pale skin |
Tattoos/ Birthmark : He had a half moon crest on his right wrist. It shows that he is a Arsenio--and shows that he has great power within him.
Wear Attire : Osiris usually doesn't have a style. He doesn't have anything to show off since he's always locked up in his room. Most times he's just seen in his PJ's and on rare special occasion is when he goes all out.

 Most times he's just seen in his PJ's and on rare special occasion is when he goes all out

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Personality/Attitude: Osiris is very kind and gently. He never had contact with others besides his father and a few family members. However, he is so vulnerable with his lack of real experience knowledge that anyone can take advantage of him.

Skills/Talents: Osiris knows a couple of spells by memory but not too many since they are so complex to remember.

Place/Type of Residence: A mansion. This is called the Arsenio's headquarters. Many vampires and werewolf's are rounded up in these headquarters.

--- Father , Mother , Uncles ---
Valentine Arsenio | Osiris's Father.
-> Age - looks 25 [ He is actually over 25000 years old and has lived on this earth almost since it was created ]

-> Species - Original hybrid [ A mixed of vampire and werewolf. However, he is the first ever hybrid that was ever created. He is immortal and is very powerful. ]

-> Relations w/ Osiris - Osiris loves his father dearly as so does Valentine. Valentine would do anything in his power in order to keep his son safe.
Jennifer Finn | Osiris's Mother.
-> Age - looks 22 [ She is actually 150 years old ]

-> Species - Werewolf

->Relations w/ Osiris - Jennifer is too busy with dealing with her own pack to look after her son. She visits him time to time but that's basically it.
- Osiris could get pregnant due to how he was made from pure magic.
- By being so powerful, he is always being hunted down by witches and species.
- Osiris sometimes is overwhelm with his magic and just bursts. When he causes powerful bursts it causes the whole house to shake and light bulbs to break into pieces.
   || s c e n e s -> 4   a v a i l a b l e. ||
| 1. Sealed at marriage |
You are the Alpha leader of the most largest and strong packs of Alpha werewolf's. No one dares to mess with you or your pack since your pack could easily rip anyone to pieces. Plus, a werewolf bite to vampires ( expect the originals ), witches, and warlock's were fatal. You have been great friends with Valentine for a long time since he was the strongest Hybird (werewolf/vampire) that there was out there.

He approached you one night and asked you to marry his son. It was so sudden but he explained that he believed that you were the only one capable of keeping him safe. Valentine explained how there was a huge war going on with witches and that he wouldn't have time to look after Osiris. If the witches found out his son was married to the most strongest alpha there was that they wouldn't bother to get him.

You agreed as you didn't mind it. You never really had a partner or how your pack calls, mate. You always wanted to have a family and maybe you could get that with Osiris. Plus, you have seen Osiris a couple of times when he was younger so you weren't a complete stranger.

However, mostly everyone in your pack disagreed about you and Osiris getting married. Many wolfs hated the originals and warlock's. You didn't have to listen to them, you were the leader they had to accept that you were getting married to Osiris.

The day came, it was the day before the wedding. Valentine dropped Osiris off with his luggage. Osiris's emerald eyes locked onto yours. "Hello (Y/N), it's nice to meet you." Osiris says with a warm smile. You were mesmerized by his beauty and perfect structure. You?

| 2. For Justice |
Your parents and your whole coven of vampires were all wiped out by a person that was named Valentine. Valentine was a original vampire and werewolf Hybird, he was a total psychopath. You were the only one that survived since you were hiding in the closet. This was pure luck or else that man could kill you.

You were then taken in by a coven of witches. You ended up growing with this evil witches. They were on the same boat as you and hated the originals. In fact, they wanted them all dead.

One day, the witches asked you to come over to their meeting room. You arrived as the witches explained that they wanted you to do something. The witches said that it was Osiris's 17 birthday bash at the vampire headquarters and they wanted you to go. The witches explained that you wanted you to find Osiris and bring him back to them. You agreed, you couldn't disagree with this witches even if you wanted too. They took you in at such a young age and raised you. You did whatever they say.

They have you a special needle to inject Osiris with once you found him. The witches mentioned that others would be other to help you if it was needed.

You dressed up nice and made your way to the birthday bash. You walked around searching for this said Osiris. You ended up crashing into a smaller male, you look down at him and you apologize. "You don't have to be sorry, but I think you owe me a dance." He says as he went over and wrapped around his arms around your neck. You couldn't help but notice how attractive this male was. You started to dance along with him and you guys even got drinks having fun with each other. It felt nice to be with someone around the same age as you. You got caught so caught up with this male you totally forgot to find Osiris and your mission.

The smaller male then went over to take you outside where the both of you were stargazing in the grass on the park in front of the headquarters--where the party was taking place. You then finally introduced yourself to the male as the emerald eyed male snickered. "I don't know if you knew, but I'm Osiris Arsenio." Osiris says with a smile gazing at you. This male in front of you was the one that you needed to take back. You two were alone and away from the headquarters. This was the perfect time to use the needle. You?

| 3. His feelings |
You have been taking care of Osiris ever since he was small. You were one of the powerful warlock's out their as Valentine asked you to train his son how to control his powers. When you met Osiris for the first time, he was 7. Being around him, you knew that this kid has huge amounts of magic stored in him. It got messy, but you tried everything to make sure that Osiris was in control of his magic. You and Osiris grew very close to each other as Osiris trusted you with everything.

One night, you were reading out a few stuff to Osiris as Osiris just glance at you not paying attention. Osiris then suddenly went over and pulled you into a kiss, his face started to heat up. You?

| 4. The Challenge |
You were the most powerful warlock that their was. You had your own headquarters and coven. However, you heard news that their was a uprising powerful warlock which was Valentine's son.

You were so powerful that you were able to break into Valentine's headquarter and render everything to freeze. You made your way up the room that the supposed warlock stayed in. You opened the open and saw a emerald eyes male writing something down in what seemed like a diary.

Osiris turned to look at you as he sets his pencil down. He leans on his arms, "(Y/N)?" Osiris asked as he picked himself up walking to you. You were a big time warlock everyone knew you.

"What are you doing here?" Osiris asked as great loads of magic was radiating off of him. You suggested that you wanted to challenge him, you said your deal. "Whoever taps out first, is the loser. Strictly magic only. If I win, you come and live with me. 75% of you magic will be transferred to me." You said. Osiris slowly nods his head. "Okay? If I win, you become my teacher and show me everything about magic." Osiris says as you laughed. "Sure." You said and then began the battle. Osiris instantly disappeared and reappears behind you, and slams you onto the floor. You?

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