HLS 1| He Made It Halal

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"If we are destined for each other, then no matter where we are or how far the distance between us, Allah will always find a way for us to be together. But for now that we're not ready yet, let's put everything in our Creator's hand, for He is the best planner and He knows what's best for the both of us."

It was our 2nd anniversary when he decided to end our relationship. I was hurt, yes, but a big part of me was happy that he finally realized that what we had that moment was Harām.


"I don't want to continuously be the cause of your sin and I also don't want you to be the reason of mine as well. I know it took me too long to realize it, but Alhamdulillah, it's not too late yet. Shukran for letting me realize it, Nour."

My heart clenched as he called me by my name. I'm not his habibty anymore. I want to cry, but I tried my best not to. I won't cry in front of him, because if I do, I might change his mind. So, I smiled as my tear fell. No matter how much I want to look at him, I didn't lift my gaze.

I tried to do so.

"I want to be the best man for you Nour, that's why I am letting you go for now to fix myself. To make myself better, so that I'd deserve you, a precious woman like you. May Allah reunite us and our hearts in the future. Because you are the only woman whom I want to be with, the woman that I want to be the mother of my children and I am hoping that it won't change."

The urge to look at him is getting stronger as I kept my gaze lower. Just when I was about to lift my head, I felt a hand on mine, keeping me from looking at him.

"That's enough Nour, ukhtiy. Yosuf, we'll be leaving. Ma'assalama."

I looked at the man who's beside me, my brother.

"Okay, kaka."

Before we finally leave, I told him the five words that I've been wanting to say since we got here.

"I will wait for you, Yosuf."

> 6 years later <

Time flies so fast. Everything has changed, except for my feelings for him. It's been a long time, so long that I almost forgot what he looks like. During those times, I never searched for him nor did I ever ask about him, no matter how tempting it was.

"Yā zawjaty, please come here. Zaid keeps on playing, he doesn't want to go to sleep."

I can't help but smile as I watched my husband looking so miserable because of my naughty 2 years old son.

"I'm already here, Yosuf habibi."

Yes, Yosuf and I got married.

Three years ago, our paths crossed again. He knocked on our door with his family and ask my parents for my hands in marriage. And because my older brother, Kaka Ebrahim, already knew Yosuf, things went smoothly. Months after the proposal, we got married. Alhamdulillah, he finally made it Halāl.

Truly, Allah's plan is way better than anyone's. That's why we must trust in Him and believe in His qadr. Things don't have to be rushed, because the right time will come. In shaa Allah.


Salām guys! Thank you for tapping at the same time reading my story. I hope to know your thoughts about this chapter and I will gladly acknowledge any suggestions you have!

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