HLS 3| The Unexpected

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"WHEN are we going to make this Halāl, luv?"

I look at my boyfriend, Hameed, who's currently sitting across me, eating a pizza. We're at PizzaHouse right now to have our merienda, when suddenly that question popped on my mind and I couldn't help but to ask him about it. Since we're on our 3rd year being in a relationship and maybe it's just normal to ask about it.

As soon as I asked that question, shock is clear on his face. Maybe he's surprise of my question, since I am the one who doesn't want to talk about that topic and now I am asking about it all of a sudden.

"It shouldn't be the question my luv, it should be; are you ready to take our relationship to the next level?"

He said as soon as he recovered from being shock.

"Well, I won't ask you if I am still not ready."

He just smiled at me and changed the topic. Maybe, he's the one whose still not ready for us to take the next level. And it makes me sad, because we're not getting any younger. I mean, we're already an adult, both professionals (Alhamdulillah) and have a stable jobs, and as I can see we're now ready to make a family. In shaa Allah.

That thought remain in my mind 'til I got home and it makes me frustrated because I felt like, I am just the one who wants our relationship to be Halāl since he didn't open that topic again and I didn't dared to ask about it too for I don't want to be more dissapointed.

Right after I'm done reading the Qur'an and praying for waqtul Fajr, my phone beeped

As I look at my cellphone, I saw that Hameed messaged me.

From: Luv <3
Assalāmu Alaykum Luv, I know you're done praying now, In shaa Allah. I hope you didn't forget me to be included in your Du'a for I didn't. Btw, I'll be out of the country for a week and I'm leaving right after I sent this message to you. I'm sorry If I just told you today, it's an urgent business meeting and important. Cannot say no. Take care of yourself while I'm away, okay? Be back quick, In shaa Allah. I love you.

My heart beats abnormally after I read his message, not because of his sweet messages but because of fear? don't know why, but it feel so weird. My hands are suddenly sweating and cold. But I didn't mind it, and instead I sent him a reply.

To: Luv <3
Wa Alaykumussalām luv, don't worry I didn't forget you in my Du'a. And, It's okay, just take care of yourself also since I am not there to remind you everytime you forget to eat your meal. Lastly, I love you too.

I put my cellphone on my desk and change my clothes into pajamas.

A minute later, I heared my phone beeped twice.

From: Luv <3
I won't forget, In shaa Allah. And I won't be able to contact you on those days because my cellphone will be confiscate as I reach the venue for it's not allowed. I love you in the name of Allah, forever and always. <3

From: Luv <3
Just read my messages whenever you miss me. :) I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, so muuuuch my lovely Leila.

I cannot help but smile at his messages. We've been in a relationship for three years, but still his affects on me didn't change. It always feels like the first.

It's been a week and today, he's coming home. I'm so excited and I miss him so bad.

I was baking a chocolate cake for him when my phone rings. I stop mixing the ingredients, and picked up my cellphone from the chair near me, thinking it was Hameed but I was wrong, it was his younger sister Husna, that is calling me.

I answered the call as soon as I saw it was from Hameed's sister.

"Assalāmu Alaykum Husna"

I greeted as I placed the cellphone near my right ear.

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