HLS 11| Stuck in Traffic

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JazākAllahu khayran for the 1K reads! ❤️

8:00 pm, the time that had appeared on my phone when I decided to checked it. It's been almost ten minutes since I got stuck in the traffic, and surely, Ummy and Abie are now worried. The fact that we'll have a guests today-probably they have arrived by now.

I lowered my car's window and I noticed a man also did the same. He was sitting on the passenger seat, but what caught me off guard is when he look at my direction, Mā shā Allah, how could this man be so gorgeous? The way his baby blue eyes, with thick brows are seemingly more alive than the car's and city's lights, was a wonderful sight to see. It's very captivating that you'll be having a hard time to lower your gaze. I stared obliviously not until... a continuous horns of the cars from my back create a scene, my eyes widened as my heartbeat increases. Quickly, I remove my gaze from him, I took a last glance and my eyes widened in shock when he saw me looking at him. Without thinking too much, I started to drive, realizing I was actually holding my breathe back then.

"Whew, what is wrong with you Farhanah? How could you stare at him shamelessly?!"
"You didn't even lower your gaze."
"Dang, so embarrassing."

I kept on scolding myself while I'm on my way home about what happened earlier. I was almost five minutes away from the house when my phone rings.

"Assalāmu Alaykum Ummy."

I answered as I stop the car for a while to answer her call.

"Wa Alaykumussalam Farhanah, where are you habibty? What's taking you so long? We have a very important guests tonight yet, you're still not here."

"Sorry Ummy, I was stuck in the traffic, but I'll be there in less than five minutes, In shaa Allah."

Driving faster now as we both bid goodbye to each other, I reached our house sooner than expected.

"Assalāmu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakātuhu."

I greeted as soon as I entered our house through the back door which lead me to our kitchen.

But what made me stop is when I saw a man drinking water while leaning on our fridge.

"Wa Alaykumussalām wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakātuhu."

He answered without looking at me, I could feel my eyes poking out because of how wide it is right now.

He's that man with blue eyes!

T-teka, anong ginagawa niya dito?

"What-what are you doing in our house?"

I obliviously asked him that made the side of his lips rose a little.

He could possibly be my sister's soon to be husband? But if he is, why is he here in the kitchen instead in our backyard in which the event is being held?

"You'll know later." He answered coolly and excused himself.

"How could I forget to know my sister's fiancé?" I mumbled to myself while shaking my head slowly.

I was about to left when Ummy enetered the kitchen. She kissed me on my cheeks as we both greeted each other.

"Where are they Ummy? I wanna meet Hana's soon to be family." I quickly told Ummy.

"They couldn't make it today habibty, they have an emergency to attend to."

The look on my Ummy's face says what's about to happen. Don't tell me...

"It's you that should be preparing right now, there's someone who wants to ask your hand in marriage."

And just like that, I was left dumbfounded.

"Stare at me now Zawjaty, we're stuck in the traffic."

I furrowed my brows as I look at the man who's in the driver seat, gesturing that I couldn't understand what's he's talking about.

"Let's recreate the first time you look at me, perhaps stare, remember? Traffic, then you lowered you car's wind-"

I place my right hand on his mouth to prevent him from finishing on what he's about to say.

"Alright, I get it now."

"So, will you do it now?"

He asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Ah, they're really thick, that makes me want to pluck them right now. Astagfirallah.

I smiled at him sweetly, pinched the tip of his nose hard while saying,

"I won't."

That night, he go to our house with his brother, to personally ask my parents' approval to marry me.

I was surprise at first, because of all people, I never expect him to come to our house and ask my hand for marriage. But still... I manage to say yes.

Who would say no to him? Why would I say no to the man whom I adore for a long time?

Oh, I actually forgot to mention, that man with blue eyes was actually my crush and with the decree of Allah, he's now my husband, Alhamdulillah.

Ps. Feel free to dm me if you want to suggest some plots, titles and such.

Thank you for reading!

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