38) I Don't Want To Be Right

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It had been a lazy day for both Mycroft and Lestrade. They'd spent most of it curled up on the sofa together watching Johnny English. They were mainly watching it because Greg made a joke one time about Mycroft being like Johnny English and had subsequently spent most of the afternoon being corrected.

Of course Greg got bored of being corrected, and a bored Gregory asked questions, lots of them.

"Hey Myc?"

"Yes Gregory?"

"When do you think we'll tell Sherlock that we're together?"

Mycroft paused. He'd been answering his boyfriend's questions all afternoon, yet somehow he hadn't been prepared for that one. "I don't know."

"Do you not want to tell him?"

The second question threw Mycroft even more than the first had. It's not that he didn't want to tell Sherlock, but, well, he kinda didn't. He didn't want to deal with the poisonous teasing, the endless insults or the judging looks. "Would you be upset if I didn't?"

"Well if our love is wrong, I don't wanna be right."

Mycroft sighed. He should have known this wasn't a serious conversation, this was Gregory looking for an opertunity to say some cheesy romantic line. "First of all, you know that's not what I meant, our love is fine. Secondly, I know you were just looking for an excuse to say that so I'll play along."

"I don't think correcting me is playing along." Greg huffed.

Mycroft smiled gently at his boyfriend. "If correcting you is wrong. I don't want to be right."

"Well then you're always wrong." Greg replied swiftly with a cheeky smile.

Mycroft rolled his eyes. "I'm not always correcting you." It was at that point that he realised he was in fact correcting Gregory at that moment. His boyfriends wide smile only confirmed that he knew too. "Yes well, maybe I do correct you a lot."

"You've spent the whole afternoon correcting me Myc." Greg replied, before sliding closer to Mycroft and giving him and kiss on the cheek. "But that's ok. It's one of the reasons I love you."

Mycroft blushed slightly. "Is it? Most people hate being corrected."

Greg only continued to smile at him. "That's true, and god forbid anyone else correct me as much as you, but it's cute when you do it. You look so studious and pleased with yourself, it's adorable."

Mycroft was still blushing, maybe a little harder. "You don't think I sound pompous and stuck up?"

"Oh yeah, that too. But it's still adorable, and sometimes quite helpful." Greg admitted. He wasn't to best at spelling, so Mycroft usually proof-read anything he wrote, which was really rather helpful sometimes.

"Is this your way of saying I should carry on correcting you?" Mycroft asked slowly.

Greg nodded, a little sheepishly, his cheeks going slightly red. "It might be..."

Mycroft just smiled and held Greg that little bit closer. He kissed his boyfriend's cheek and saw how he was blushing. "If it helps, I never planned to stop correcting you."

Greg groaned and burried his red face in Mycroft's chest. "Now you tell me." He mumbled.

Mycroft just chuckled and kissed Greg's hair again. "You're adorable."

Greg just groaned again and leaned further into his boyfriends embrace. This hadn't gone how he intended it to go, but he wasn't altogether unhappy about the situation he was currently in. In fact, he loved it. But there was no way he'd ever admit it. Even if Mycroft already knew.

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