Indoor battle training

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I woke up and when downstairs and All Might was about to head out the door.

Should you already be at the school I asked him with a little smile playing on my lips.

No I had to go my note cards done he said with a smile.

Why I asked him giggling a little because I have to teach your class he said to me.

Really I asked as I stared at him.

Yes really now let's going to school he said to me.

Ok but I'm Erica Yagi I said to him.

Ok if that is what you want to be called he said with a smile.

We made it school and I when to my class.

When I opened the door and I saw I was one of first ones here.

I sat down and then I heard my name get called by someone.

I turn around and it was Midoriya.

Yes I said to him and he had two other people behind him.

Erica I thought you would like to meet my friends he said.

Sure I said as I waited for one to talk.

I'm Uraraka the girl with short hair said.

I'm Iida the guy said to me.

Nice to meet you I'm Erica Yagi I said with a smile.

I sat down and waited for All Might to come in.

Everyone showed up and waited for class to began.

I am here coming in like a normal person All Might said to me.

I rounded my eyes as he walked to the front of the room.

Today we are doing indoor battle training but you will need these he said and we all turned around.

I saw my hero costume and graded it and went to the changing room.

This is what it looks like but the skirt is shorts, the shirt is closed, your hair is up, but sometimes you don't wear the hat.

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I was the first one done and I saw All Might in some room.

How is it going Erica All Might said to me.

Good but next time just walk in a room without saying whatever you said.

Everyone started walking in the room before he said something.

Ok everyone he started says but I know how this works so I stopped listens.

Ok everyone draw a lot and I draw one and it said nothing.

All Might sensei I got a number I said to him.

That meet a team will have to go again vs you he said.

Time Skip

Ok Erica you are a villian and team D you are heroes.

I started to walk in but I stopped some of the time to set up a trap for them.

I made it the top and waited for Todoroki and the 8 arm guy to show up.

Go All Might said to us and I started making a fire gun because Todoroki is going to use his ice.

Then ice started covering everything and I let it get my feet then put the gun behind my back.

Then I heard Todoroki coming, he walked in, and I shoot fire at him and he moved to the side then I shot a little fire at my feet.

You are quick I give you that he said as he got up.

Yeah but where is your teammate I asked him as I point my gun at him again.

He will be coming he said to me as he send more ice.

Not ice again I said as I shot it again and it melt.

I guess I have to end this I said and then I heard one of my traps get set off.

If he gets by my traps first I said I said as I got a guns off my belt off and fired at him but he used ice to stop it.

I keep shooting at him and just used then ice again, then his teammate showed up.

Sorry I took so long he said to Todoroki.

Its fine but be careful he said to him.

I fired a few at them but they move out of the way.

I have 30 secs. to keep them back so I have to move them to the front and hope for the best.

The 8 arm guy ran at me then I have knife coming out of my arm to throw at him but he moved to the side.

Then ice come at me so I shoot fire at it.

15 secs. left then fire more shoots at both of them.

Now time is up I said and then Erica won All Might said.

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